
Doctors talk about their Results with Ultrashape including before and after pictures and percentage of satisfaction of clients

Here 5 doctors talk about their own experience using Ultrashape, and the results of their patients. There are also before and after pictures. The article is entitled CLINICAL roundtable
Contour I with Focused Ultrasound.

Excels in Reducing Localized Fat
European Aesthetic Buyers Guide Spring 2007 miinews.com

This picture is before and after Ultrashape contour. The pic is courtesy of Dr. Javier M, as stated on the pic.

"Dr. Scheflan — We have an average of 2.5 to 3.5 cm circumference reduction per treatment. The response rate to this technology is about 95%. Contour I destroys the excess fat cells and they do not regrow. We ask patients to maintain a low carbohydrate diet during treatment so the body can use the emulsified fat instead of ingested carbohydrates. The secret to effective treatment is patient positioning. Tape the treatment area so that the fat is bulging out. Aesthetic patients are demanding and expect outstanding results. Patient satisfaction is surprisingly high.

Dr. Inglefield — We see an average circumference loss of just over 6.0 cm with 96% of patients very satisfied with the results.
The results seem long term, and our experience shows that the fat reduction is permanent. As with any body contouring treatment carried out as part of a good diet and exercise program, results are maintained. Careful patient selection is the most important factor, and careful positioning and strapping of the treatment is also necessary

Dr. Ascher — Out of 130 patients, 64% showed a 2 to 4 cm circumferential reduction. About 30% of patients who have gotten a 2 to 7 cm reduction have maintained long-term results. We find that three treatments at three week intervals, with an additional treatment two months later, produces optimal results. Among patients in our preliminary clinical study, 50% were very to quite satisfied, 38% were little satisfied and 12% were not satisfied.

Borelli — About 60% of my patients see significant improvement. It’s still too early to say how long that improvement will last, but the results have persisted so far and we are happy with that. Most patients, about 70%, are satisfied with the results.

Dr. Polla — Approximately 80% of patients obtain favorable results, with the remaining 20% seeing less diminution in the deep, spotty fat depositions than estimated during the initial consultation. Patients who take care of themselves and have good results may see persistence up to one year. Keep in mind that patients are strictly selected.

What adverse events are associated with Contour I treatment, how long do they last,
and how are they treated?

Dr. Inglefield — If anything, there can be mild discomfort during treatment and mild erythema afterwards. Erythema subsides within about one hour without special treatment. We have not
seen severe adverse events.

Dr. Polla — We have not yet observed any side effects"
This entire article can be found at . . . //



Ultrashape clients talk via a blog

Here is a blog between a couple Ultrashape customers who share their experience -

8 replies re: Ultrashape fat removal
Posted by: SW on 06/06

" Hi Ok, so I had my treatment yesterday. It was very straight forward. The doctor drew on my tummy, took some photos and then measured me. The treatment uses a computer which tells the doctor where he needs to place the hand piece that delivers the ultra sound. Its all rather high tech and fool-proof and apparently is designed to give even results. Some oil was put on my tummy so the hand piece could glide over my skin, and then it was just moved every few seconds (as instructed by the computer) until the area had been covered. I didn't feel a thing, which was almost weird cos i just expected it to tingle or something. The whole thing took just over an hour and I was able to drive back home. The only thing I have to do now is stick to a low carb diet for four days, which shouldn't be too hard. The doctor said it may take a few weeks until I can see/measure the loss so I'm going back at the end of the month to be measured again. So far, It's been a really positive experience. The clinic was professional looking and easy to get to and the staff were friendly and informative. I just hope the treatment works! But how great is that? To be able to get rid of stubborn fat without having risky surgery, no drugs and no recovery time!"

. . . weeks later she writes 06/27

"OK guys.....Drum roll please......I went for my measurement appointment last week and I have lost just over 3cm. I am really happy. I think it was definitely money well spent. I hope you all have great success too."

It is found on http://chat.metro.co.uk/metro/threadnonInd.jsp?forum=70&thread=251626&message=383403


Ultrashape technology video

Here you can see HOW the Ultrashape majic wand works. It is 2 mins long.

1500 Ultrashape customers later . . a positive blog entry from Holland

Here is what a Holland clinic is saying about Ultrashape 1500 customers later, yes the customers overall are happy. See below for the entire blog post . .

"Seeing is believing " Posted by bver July 2007

'Our institute. is one of the world's mosts experienced Ultrashape centers since we started offering it to the public back in 2005. We have a database of about 1500 cases now. Are most people satisfied ? The answer is yes if they meet the correct profile AND perform MULTIPLE sessions. I am sick of seeing ULtrashape being advertised as a one pass solution, it is not.

In Holland some doc has almost destroyed the good name of Ultrashape by offering the treatment as a weight loss methode, unbelievable ! Ultrashape will NOT make anyone loose significant weight, in fact fat is very light. Ultrashape works, period. I was convinced by their own research, and now we have a collection of records that shows a reduction in cm with no weight loss which can only be explained by the fact that fat cells are gone.

Yes, there is a circumference change in almost every woman during the same month. This change however is noted in the abdom area. So how to explain cm loss at the thighs ? How come woman are telling us they are fitting in pants that they could not fit into for years despite the fact that they have not lost weight? Are they hallucinating ? No, facts are facts. On the other hand I have never ever seen so many clinical studies by any treatment. Why would a company go to such great lenghts as to proof their method?

Because they know that the machine they invented is NOT going to be very welcomed by the medical community ! Would you like to have a machine replacing your liposuction practice ? No because it would mean loss of income, period. Let those who do not believe not stand in the way of those making progress. "

And here is what a customer said about her own experience in London, also found on the same blog page -

"I've had ultrashape Posted by rachelj 5 January

"Hello. I've had ultrashape and was really happy with the results! I had 3 treatments, combined with a treatment called accent, which is a skin tightening treatment. I had my stomach treated, and overall I lose 8cm!! I went to the 'I care for my Body' clinic in knightsbridge, london. I was really happy with them.. they are really friendly and professional, and the clinic is really nice.. it feels like you are going to a day spa!! Their webside is: icareformybody com if anyone wants to check them out!" Rachel

These 2 posts can be found on the sofeminine.co.uk blog that talks about ultrashape -


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