
Here is a blog about Ultrashape -

http://www.citynews.ca/blogs/jeelicious_11566.aspx that says -

"It's a fat blaster!
Can you believe that? It's called Ultrashape and it targets fat cells by using focal ultrasound technology. It's the same type of technology used to blast away kidney stones.
Dr. Lisa Kellet's clinic, called DLK on avenue, is the first in North America to offer the treatments. Check out my one-on-one with the dermatologist.
The treatment is ideal for people who are fit and healthy but have stubborn areas of fat. It is not a weight loss procedure. This machine is ideal for large areas like stomach, thighs, buttocks, and hips. The machine doesn't target smaller areas like upper arms or chin but I here there may be one made eventually."

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