Contour I with Focused Ultrasound.
Excels in Reducing Localized Fat
European Aesthetic Buyers Guide Spring 2007

"Dr. Scheflan — We have an average of 2.5 to 3.5 cm circumference reduction per treatment. The response rate to this technology is about 95%. Contour I destroys the excess fat cells and they do not regrow. We ask patients to maintain a low carbohydrate diet during treatment so the body can use the emulsified fat instead of ingested carbohydrates. The secret to effective treatment is patient positioning. Tape the treatment area so that the fat is bulging out. Aesthetic patients are demanding and expect outstanding results. Patient satisfaction is surprisingly high.
Dr. Inglefield — We see an average circumference loss of just over 6.0 cm with 96% of patients very satisfied with the results.
The results seem long term, and our experience shows that the fat reduction is permanent. As with any body contouring treatment carried out as part of a good diet and exercise program, results are maintained. Careful patient selection is the most important factor, and careful positioning and strapping of the treatment is also necessary
Dr. Ascher — Out of 130 patients, 64% showed a 2 to 4 cm circumferential reduction. About 30% of patients who have gotten a 2 to 7 cm reduction have maintained long-term results. We find that three treatments at three week intervals, with an additional treatment two months later, produces optimal results. Among patients in our preliminary clinical study, 50% were very to quite satisfied, 38% were little satisfied and 12% were not satisfied.
Borelli — About 60% of my patients see significant improvement. It’s still too early to say how long that improvement will last, but the results have persisted so far and we are happy with that. Most patients, about 70%, are satisfied with the results.
Dr. Polla — Approximately 80% of patients obtain favorable results, with the remaining 20% seeing less diminution in the deep, spotty fat depositions than estimated during the initial consultation. Patients who take care of themselves and have good results may see persistence up to one year. Keep in mind that patients are strictly selected.
What adverse events are associated with Contour I treatment, how long do they last,
and how are they treated?
Dr. Inglefield — If anything, there can be mild discomfort during treatment and mild erythema afterwards. Erythema subsides within about one hour without special treatment. We have not
seen severe adverse events.
Dr. Polla — We have not yet observed any side effects"
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