
Another happy Ultrashape customer left a comment on my blog today . .

Just FYI, Nicole has left me a comment on my blog today "just wanted to add my voice to yours in saying that it worked for me too. I had it done at TCC in Toronto. I've already lost 3 inches and I'm going in for another session in a week. This is a really great invention and I wish more people knew about it."

has her comment.

I am glad to hear that it worked for her. (And really glad that she did not have to have surgery to lose 3 inches, that is exciting. I hate surgery.)

In addition to Ultrashape, I have enjoyed working out and staying in shape by going to http://www.joegrassoelitetraining.com/ in San Jose California. My trainers Joe, Babak, Chester and Al are all great, helpful and motivating. Ultrashape works, but you still need to stay in shape after you lose your 2 inches per treatment. I lost 2" my first treatment, and another 2" after my second treatment. I also watched what I ate for those 60 days. And I researched ahead of time. Scroll down and you are more than welcome to purchase my research paper about Ultrashape, if youd like for a nominal fee, via paypal.

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