
U.S. News and World Report discusses lipodissolve fig

Here, U.S. News and World Report investigates as to what is lipodissolve -

A Shot to Melt the Fat?
The treatment sounds great, but it's unproven
By Deborah Kotz Posted 6/10/07

"Want to get rid of your stubborn fat bulges without endless spinning classes or going under the knife? A new fat-fighting procedure billed as liposuction without the risks is fast becoming popular at "rejuvenation clinics" and "medi-spas" throughout the country. Lipodissolve, as it is widely known, [or fig.com ] www.fig.com entails injecting small amounts of soy lecithin and bile salt directly into problem areas on the hips, waist, thighs, and buttocks, and voilĂ ! the fat supposedly melts away. Sensing the next Botox, doctors from pediatricians to dermatologists have taken a weekend seminar and opened fat-dissolving clinics. "What once was a dream is now a reality," claims the website of LipoNOW clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz. "Expect to lose between 1 to 2 inches of fat with no invasive surgery," promises MedSculpt, a lipodissolve provider in Rockville, Md.

If it sounds too good to be true, that's what the competition thinks. The "body sculpting" procedure, virtually unheard of in the United States two years ago but practiced in Europe for decades, has raised the hackles of plastic surgeons, who argue that removing fat surgically is the proven option. Last month, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery put out a statement saying that the scientific evidence does not exist to show that injection fat-loss treatments do any good or that they're safe. Ross is seeking to get her money back. Jean Shepherd, fig.'s vice president of marketing, said in an E-mail that in such a situation, "the patient would be entitled to a refund and it would be processed in a timely manner." The company and the industry, she said, continue to study why some people don't respond to treatment."

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Customers talk about their Ultrashape results

Here, Andy an Ultrashape customer, talks about his experience -

Comment from andy June 8, 2007

I did ultrashape and got satisfactory results. It definitely doesn’t get rid of large amounts of fat but if you workout and eat healthy and still have trouble spots it’s great.

It was not painful at all and I went back to normal activities immediately.

I have only done one session but I might do another one just to get more ripped. I would only recommend it to people who want to fine tune. as far as not being fda approved, the fda is a pawn of special interest groups so I’m sure they are in no hurry to approve a procedure that doesn’t require medication, hospital stays, anesthesia, and is a fraction of the cost. Several countries that are far more advanced and cautious about plastic surgery have approved it. it’s been 3 months and I’ve had absolutely no side effects. I encourage everyone to do their own research, but my experience was positive although not that dramatic.

His comment is found on http://thebeautybrains.com/2007

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