
An Ultrashape customer warns of her experience in Calgary, Canada but will try a Toronto Ultrashape clinic

Just FYI, a customer in Calgary has published online her experience with Ultrashape. You can view it in full at -


"I went to Laser Rejuvenation Clinics and Spa in Calgary Canada at 150 10601 Southport Road in the SW; 286-6888. As far as I know it's the only place in Calgary offering the procedure as yet. There is another in Edmonton but the techs that worked on me basically said that they'd been taught the procedure by them and that the 2 doctors were thick as thieves and colluding on pricing so it wouldn't surprise me if they're pulling the same con. I am working on another doctor here, who I've had work done through, as well as several of my friends, to consider Ultrashape. He currently does lipo and is aware of the bad reputation that the Laser Rejuvenation Clinic has.

Apparently he's had to clean up some botched lipo work by them... In the meantime I am going to have another treatment in June at DLK on Avenue in Toronto, I know it's far but they're the pioneers in Canada and confirmed my suspicions that my procedures were performed incorrectly (but for the one). They've been doing Ultrashape for a few years now and have the most up to date equipment. If you do go for a consult with the twit that does the sucking in of patients, please ask ALL the questions. She will be VERY uncooperative but maybe you can ensure that they give you what you pay for!! That's what this is all about for me. I will devote my time for the rest of my days to keep them from ripping anyone else off."

I am glad that this customer will try Ultrashape at DLK in Toronto, maybe she will have better luck, I hope?

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