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Report: MedAesthetica Medical Group - LIPOZAP
Category: Misc. Health Specialists
MedAesthetica Medical Group - LIPOZAP Bad Reaction,
Bad Customer Service! The side affects to my Lipozap treatment was unbearable. But the customer service was the worst! Sherman Oaks California
MedAesthetica Medical Group - LIPOZAP
15303 Ventura Blvd #440Sherman Oaks, California, 91403U.S.A.
Submitted: 11/8/2007 7:48:03 PM
Jacksutherland Los Angeles, California
What a joke! I heard of lipozap on the radio and was interested in loosing some weight the WRONG way. I meet with an individual at their fancy high rise Lipozap office and was convinced by her that the product was the best and even it did not work I would get a full 100% refund.Well the side effects that took place after my first real treatment were so strong I was not able to work. I was suffering from extreme severe nausea and vomiting and complete loss of any appetite I could not eat and was throwing up all the time. If I did lose any weight it was because I could not eat and was throwing up every few hours not from the joke of lipozap. It would have been cheaper to just become anorexic.I did continue my treatments even with the side effects I was told by a lipozap nurse that the side effects are normal, I was willing to suffer to lose the gut, it did not help. After my primary Doctor told me to stop the treatment I did. We were not able to determine what caused this strange reaction and lipozap claims no responsibility. I stopped the treatment just short of completing the full treatment. I might add that I am still having problems with my appetite and nausea.I was told by the first nurse I talked to once I stopped the treatment that she would process the FULL refund due to the reaction to the treatment. What a joke that was, she was nice and helpful and agreed that we should stop and issue a full refund. This never happened; I was then told that I would not get any reimbursement. It has been a joke after much complaining I was told I would get the 100% refund and was sent a full release of claim I signed and sent back. Only to find out that the person who issued a full refund was wrong and I would still have large portion to pay. I cant get any one on the phone now just emails, which they dont respond to. Its the biggest customer service joke I have ever seen. The long and the short is the treatment is a scam the customer service is so out of wack that there belong in third world country.JacksutherlandLos Angeles, CaliforniaU.S.A.
"Are Fat-Dissolving Lipo Injections Safe? Yes -- and No"
FDA: 'Buyer Beware' Situation Reported by Denise Dador of abc7

Sept. 10, 2007 (KABC-TV) - "You've probably heard the ads -- an alternative to liposuction injections that dissolves fat. Sound too good to be true? The main ingredients of the shots are not FDA-approved.
So is it safe and does it work? One local doctor says it can help, but consumers need to ask the right questions.
Thirty-four-year-old Lisa Gold had full-body liposuction a year ago. She said it left her body uneven.
"I just wanted to try to be the thinnest that I could be, but that surgery really screwed me up," said Gold.
Instead of more surgery, she opted for something that promised hardly any down time -- a fat-dissolving injection. It requires several injections in problem areas.
"You'll feel like somebody worked you out really hard at the gym," said Gold.
The main part of the injection is made of ingredients not FDA-approved -- phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PCDC).
"The fat is broken down and it's absorbed by the body, and it's excreted mostly in the stool and urine," said lipotherapy specialist Dr. Raffi Dishakjian.
The injections are marketed under many names -- LipoZap, Lipo-Dissolve, and Lipomelt.
Thirty-one-year-old Jenny Santoni had lipotherapy on her back. (You can watch the video and see that she does look better after her lipotherapy treatment.)
"I feel better. I can wear tighter shirts," said Santoni.
"The looser the fat, the sort of buttery loose fat, tends to respond better than firm fat," said Dr. Dishakjian.

But like all procedures, it has risks. There have been complaints of infection, disfigurement, severe cramping, bloating, and dehydration.
In fact, in Kansas the procedure is restricted to physicians, and they must use it as part of an investigational trial.
Dr. Dishakjian says it's common to experience itching, redness, and sometimes bruising. He also says he tells his patients it's considered an off-label use, and says many of the serious complications are the result of poorly trained practitioners.
Consumers need to ask tough questions.
"They need to know the training of the physician, his technique, and how aggressive or safety-oriented the practice is," said Dr. Dishakjian. "Where do they get their supplies, and how many treatments has the doctor done, and in how many areas."
In response to a request by Eyewitness News, the FDA made this statement: "In fact, there are no FDA-approved drugs with an approved indication to dissolve fat. The FDA cannot assure the safety and efficacy of these types of drugs. Consumers need to know that this is a buyer-beware situation. These are unapproved drugs for unapproved uses and we can't guarantee consumers' safety."
Lisa knew the risks, but for her, it outweighed going another round with liposuction.
"I just want to be able to look in the mirror and like what I see," said Gold.
One more word of caution -- the doctor says lipotherapy should not be used as a weight-loss treatment. Rather, it's intended to help with small areas of body contouring.
The shots cost about $250, and on average most people require at least four injections. Of course, that also depends on the size of the area being targeted."
To see the artice in full from abc 7 news, just click on - lipozap review lipozap blog liposuction review lipozap lipozap
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1 comment:
Okay ladies (and maybe some men out there too)
Class Action Lawsuit.
Attorney Kathryn L. Anderson
415-901-0514 Office
415-901-0515 FAX
Good Luck to all of us!
After much research I decided to do Lipozap (APPARENTLY NOT ENOUGH RESEARCH). My final reasoning for starting the Lipozap procedure was my doctor, Dr. Susanne Trout was on staff as Medical Director, and I felt, if she's backing this procedure, it's gotta be good. I started Lipozap Treatments Feb. 07. Lower abs, upper abs and back bra line ($2800), The nurses and tech’s are incredibly thorough, and their customer service skills are comparable to any 5 star hotel. Boy was I fooled, they're very good actors! My first treatment was to my lower abs. They did not lie. The procedure was virtually painless. However by the time I returned home 30 minutes later it was all I could do to get through the front door. When I complained I was told the first treatment is always the hardest. My 2nd visit was to treat my upper abs and bra line. Again, little pain during the actual procedure, but, I was in so much pain on the way to the parking lot I felt as though I might pass out and seriously considered calling the paramedics. By the time I got home the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I stayed on my couch for 3 days, trips to the bathroom were my only exercise, as I couldn’t even bare eating. It was agony. The uncontrollable spasms in my legs curled my toes and made my right shoulder ache. I spent considerable time discussing my pain with the nurse who called to do the follow up. The following week I spoke with an Administrator. She stated ½ treatments would remedy the pain and swelling and made jokes about a man who'd gone snow skiing the day following his treatments. They did their best to console me. I asked for a refund but they assured me 1/2 treatments with longer intervals between treatments would remedy the situation. Treatment #3 & 4 were halved. However nothing changed. Pain, swelling, spasms. Again I spoke with nurses and Admin. The head nurse laughed and told me she'd had the procedure and not only finished her work day, but had even returned to work the following day with no pain and minor swelling. A few days later, still in severe pain I again asked for a refund. This time I spoke with the Retention Administrator who after discussing my situation for 45 minutes became thoroughly upset when I suggested getting my orthopedic surgeon involved, She went so far as to begin screaming at me. After calming her down, can you believe I had to calm her? She offered to refund a VERY small portion of my fully paid treatment. Now 3 months later, with no treatments since March, still nothing but brusing and nodgles and lots of swelling. I've spoken repeatedly with Admin. Staff, they've REFUSED, even though their advertisements state, "Money Back Guarantee if not completely satisfied". Now the interesting thing is I've had major back surgery and this procedure is causing horrible swelling in my back culminating in severe spasms to my legs. To put it mildly, I hurt. The ab swelling has gone down but the lumps are still present, and my back still hurts. Since they won't return my money I had decided to continue treatment, however, yesterday (6/29) I had 1/2 treatment # 5. I feel like I was kicked in the back & yes, I do look like I'm 6 months pregnant. – I Would NOT recommend Lipozap. - TO MY WORST ENEMY! - I'm seriously considering seeking legal remedies. - Dr. Adams has promised to call me this coming Monday with info. regarding re-imbursement. - As of today July 12th, I'm still quite swollen and very lumpy, I have yet to hear from Dr. Adams or for that matter anyone on the staff including the young lady who has until this point made follow up calls. By the way Dr. Trout is no longer on staff. Anyone know why? - Kinda makes you wonder................. Additionally I have suffered severe Urinary Tract Infections with each and every treatment.
Nov. 16, 2007.
Finally got in touch with Dr. Trout’s secretary. She informed me the doctor had disassociated herself from Lipozap because they have not fulfilled their testing procedures and does not want to be associated with any treatment not FDA approved.
I have seen Dr. Trout at her office in Beverly Hills, and I do consider her to be my doctor. I had consulted her regarding Liposuction, however at the time, I could not afford the treatment. Dr. Trout was professional, informative, friendly, and her prices, although too expensive for me, were very competitive.
I did not bother to consult her to ask anything about Lipozap. I just assumed because she was the Medical Director, this would be a good thing. - Apparently, she had disassociated herself from MedAesthetica Medical Group because she DID NOT feel associating herself with using unapproved treatments or non-FDA medication. This was BEFORE I even went in for my consultation. MedAesthetica just didn't bother to remove the link to Dr. Trout. It's my fault I didn't call Dr. Trout personally until after the fact, by then I had already discontinued Lipozap treatments.
Wish I had just saved up the cash and used Dr. Trout's services instead.
After many phones calls I have now been told I will receive a form in the mail so I may request a refund. I was also told someone will in 4 to 6 weeks (ahhh 4 to 6 weeks???) to discuss whether I will be permitted any kind of refund. Even though I’m only halfway through treatment. A letter date Jan. 8, 2008 from MedAesthetica Clients Services gave me three options. #1 Transfer the rest of the Lipozap Treatments for credit on the VelaSmooth procedure. # 2 A credit in the amount of $262.50 toward other services such as Fotofacial, Lazer Hair Removal, Botox, Fraxel, etc. #3 A $262.50 Refund. I called Crystal Hernandez, at MedAesthetica, I left a voice mail. She has never bothered to return my call. April 29, 2008. I still look pregnant, actually I look much worse than when I started Lipozap. I still have lumps even though last last treatment was July of 2007. We’re talking 9 ½ months ago. And bruising too. LipoZap was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE mistake!
Anyone interested in joining the class action suit please follow the link below.
Also take the time to look at the Better Business Bureau Report -, check out the articles on the Internet including the major news networks, CBS, NBC, ABC etc.
Obviously I’m not the only one complaining!
Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating:We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
I received the above post from the Better Business Bureau . Thought you all might be interested.
Better Business Bureau 5-30-08
Medaesthetica Medical Group, Inc.
6320 Canoga Avenue, 13th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Contact: Cindy Gregos
Phone: (800) 547-6927
In the absence of any response from the company this complaint despite our two requests to them, we are closing our file on this complaint.
This unanswered complaint will become part of the information we report to the public on this company for the next three years. Should any government agency request our files on this company, your complaint will also be included.
If you have settled this complaint directly with the company, would you please email us to let us know that, as well as any other comments you might have. Your help in doing this is important to ensure that our report to the public on this company is accurate.
Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau.
Complaint Classification: Credit/Billing/Coll.
Complaint Description - Posted 4/30/2008
Lipo Zap Procedure DID NOT work as advertized. Painful. Lumpy. Bruised. And DID NOT disolve anything but my bank account.
Complaint Summary
I want my money back for the entire procedure as it did not do what they advertized.
Resolution Sought
Refund my entire payment
Additional Information
Date Problem First Occurred: 2/23/2007
Product or Service: Supposedly disolves fat.
Model Name or Number:
Date Purchased: 2/23/2007
Order Number:
Amount Paid: $2600.00
May 30, 2008
It's been almost a year (June 2007) since I had my last Lipozap Treatment.
I still have lumps and nodules which frequently send out painful bee string sensations. Discoloration is still present. I still look swollen and pregnant. My skin is lumpy. I'm making payments to Credit Care on a monthly basis, just to show good faith on my part so when we do finally get the class action suit settled (which unfortunately may be years) they’ll see I’ve fulfilled my part of the bargain - Lipozap refuses to return my calls, they also refuse to acknowledge the Better Business Bureau's inquiries.
Lipozap customers may be able to fight soon for some type of justice? Heres a website if ya got suckered out of your $ from lipozap, or have pain.
Here you go, here is a new website that warns about customers who tried and got lipozap treatments, or may be also for future patients? They do want to hear from former lipozap customers including what happened to them, and maybe if they want your money back, or an apology in case you still have pain? (I imagine). Here is the lipozap class action website. -
and I quote "Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating: We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
June 11, 2008
By the way, "Alina" is the employee who, after discussing my situation for 45 minutes became thoroughly upset when I suggested getting my orthopedic surgeon involved. She was the one who began screaming at me. And I had to calm HER down? She is a liar and a thief; she helped steal my money as well as the money of others. The police have a name for people like Alina; they're called "Perps", which is short for "Perpetrator", which means "Responsible for".
June 23, 2008
It had been more than 3 years. I did expect swelling but not to the degree I was swollen. I was told some MINOR swelling in the abdominal area would occur but it would resolve itself with 24-48 hrs. A year later as of June 29, 2008 (my last treatment) I still have severe discoloration, nodules, and swelling.
Also Healthy Girl, just because someone is caring, nice and gives good customer service does not in any way make the procedure reputable. The nurses and staff were very nice and helpful, but they too were conned into believing the procedure would work. At least 40 of those “caring” nurses and other “nice” staff members are no longer working for MedAesthetica Medical Group, Inc.
Again Healthy Girl and others like her. I DID NOT ask for all of my money back, I asked for the unused portion. Since I’d only received ½ of my treatments, I felt I should get half of my money back, which would have been about $1300. MedAesthetica offered me a $262.50 refund. This leaves me in the whole $1037.50.
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