Here you can read about paying customers who got lipodissolve. Many customers are in Kansas.
Here are the first few of many blog posts about lipodissolve. (Lipodissolve is not ultrashape. Lipodissolve is not lipozap. Lipodisolve uses injections, ultrashape uses ultrasound waves.)
" post name kcmo1 07/17/06
There was a thread with stlouis1here, but I think we filled the message quota. I'm 1 week in on 2nd treatment, outer thighs. They did more shots, but over a larger section. This one wasnt nearly as red or swollen as the first time. They said I should see something after this treatment, and I'm feeling quite hopeful. I go for 3rd treatment August 4th. I waited 3 weeks the first time, and doing 3 1/2 weeks this time, just to get it on a Friday so I'd have some weekend downtime in comfy clothes! : ) I think 2 weeks is too soon (and others noted that as well).
AliciaNorris 07/17/06
KCMO1 Thanks for your thoughts. I had my 1st treatment to my lower abs last week and go for 2nd treatment next week. Along with that, they will do my inner thighs and upper abs at the same time as that next week. I imagine it might be a bit much all in one day, so we'll see what happens. I will be happy once I have had a couple more treatments so I can start noticing the magic of this stuff !! LOL. Will keep all updated.
New to the boards - - in a panic attack over buying a treatment package on Friday, July 14th, I started searching online for answers! I'm interested in what kinds of results for inner thigh people are having. That was the only area I really wanted done. I'm assuming this area is the most painful, so any pointers would be helpful...I haven't started the treatments yet in the KC office. I had an activity on the following Saturday that wouldn't work well with having the injections the day before. Thanks!
hottiewannabe 07/20/06
I have my 1st lipo dissolve treatment scheduled for next week. Has anybody done their inner and outer thighs and banana area? If so, please tell me how it's going.
st.louis1here 07/20/06
Hi Kids,Well, I found you all - I didn't know a new thread had been started.My update.I waited 4 weeks between my 3rd and 4th treatment on my abdomen. I now have people noticing that I don't have a "belly" anymore. This is wonderful. The pain has been worth it. I started at 148 lbs. I am down to 134 lbs. I have been doing Adkins diet for about 3 weeks. I had a different NP inject on the 3rd treatment - talk about pain and bruising - WOW!! So, I go in for my 4th treatment this past Monday - back to the nurse who injected the first two times. This one was wonderful. Min. bruising, hardly any pain after the first hour. They have started something new with the lipo injections. They advise you to wear a compression garment to the area's. I had an old girdle type thing from a long time ago. I wore it for 24 hours. Next day - minimal swelling. Made such a difference in how I felt. I do have a few "knots" left and she told me to take a vibrating massager that has a heater on it - and rub it over the area's for about 20 minutes every evening. She said it would break up the knots. I bought the package deal - it was scary when I signed those papers. I am glad that I did it. I wish ya'all could see my results. Good luck everyone.
Okay, this should make everyone laugh a bit. One of the reasons I went on Adkins - and made it known to everyone - was so that when I did appear to lose weight, everyone would atribute it to my diet. I didn't want anyone to know that I spent money on the lipodissolve, especially my hubby. LOLAnyone else feel this way?
Hi,I am treating 2 area's, upper abdomen and lower abdomen. Cost was 4000.00 (ouch!!). 6 treatments to each area.
Okay - what is the "banana" area that I keep hearing about? Thanks
The banana is the back of the upper thighs, right above the rear end. I have a lot of cellulite there and am hoping this would help.
I just got back from my 1st treatmtent. By the time I got to their desk to schedule my next appointment I started swelling. When I got to my car I felt like I was sitting on a bunch of bee stingers. OUCH! But within 30 minutes or so that stinging went away and now I'm just sore and the area is hot. I'm already getting bumpy on the backs of my thighs. (I had my bananas and outter thighs treated).
Great Thread, I'm so glad I found it. I love hearing everyone's experiences.I have had 3 treatments for inner thighs at Advanced Lipo Dissolve in KC. The treatments were each 3 weeks apart. I'm scheduled for my 4th treatment this week but am considering pushing it out another 4 weeks as I still have a lot of large lumps and I know its best to wait till they are gone, yet I am anxious to get my next treatment.The first treatment they injected my inner thighs from the front. The second time they did it from the back b/c I still had lumps then the third they went back to the front. I had the most pain and bruising after the first treatment. I've been trying Arnica and I think it helps if you take it a few days in advance.To anyone considering inner thighs: Bring bike shorts to the treatment to wear home. Not too tight though as you don't want to inhibit the swelling. I wore loose bike shorts for several days after and this helped tremendously. Also, if you sleep on your side try putting a pillow between your legs, this really helped me.I think the inner thigh is a painful area as I was in pain for a few days. The night after and following day were the worse, but I managed through it with Tylenol.I wish I could report I'm seeing fantastic results, but I'm just not sure. I think I can tell a bit. The 4th treatment will be interesting.Thanks to all on this thread. I hope it says alive, I want to hear more about others who have had 4-6 treatments.If this works, I will do other areas (outer thigh, banana, knees and upper arms are what I want.) But I will probably find a cheaper place in KC. Recommendations appreciated.
Cindy G.07/24/06
Anyone have any bad experiences with Lipodissolve? It has been an awful expereince for me. For $1400.00 I have been in pain, sick and gotten a larger abdomen than I have ever had, except for when I was pregnant.My first treatment was not as bad as my second one. I did however get diarrhea that I did not think was going to ever stop, along with terrible abdominal pains. My second one was really bad. I was not told that I would only receive one tube of numbing cream, that had to last all three treatments. I used half of the tube on my first treatment. So I had to divide the remainder of the tube for the second and third treatments. It was not enough. I was in so much pain that I was not able to leave when I was done with the injections. I thought I was going to pass out. That night I got so sick. I woke up with terrible abdominal pains, broke out in a wringing wet sweat, followed by diarrhea. It is hard to think about going back for my last treatment. I had to buy bigger shorts. I look terrible in a swiming suit. I am so discouraged and depressed. I am embarassed to tell anyone that I am doing Lipodissolve. They would think I was nuts for paying $1400.00 to be in pain, have diarrhea, and enlarge my abdomen. I don't know what to do.
Cindy, I'm very sorry to hear about your experience. How long have you been waiting between treatments? I would try waiting up to 8 weeks before you go back to let the swelling subside. And they should certainly give you another tube of numbing cream. What is this by the way? I did not get any and I'd love to buy some if I can.One thing Advanced Lipo Dissolve Center did very well was the consultation. They explained in detail the pain and the swelling and they were very accurate. If I had not gotten such thorough information, I think I would have been rather scared.I've never heard of the other side effects you mention. Good luck, I hope your experience improves.
The reddish brown tint should lighten a lot within 3-4 days and then take 7-10 to go away completely. At least that's about how it is for me. I'm convinced Arnica taken orally and topically helps. I think I'll keep a diary next time.I pushed my 4th treatment out another month. It will be a total of 8 weeks from my 3rd, for inner thighs. The first 3 being 3 weeks apart I think were too close.I'm very anxious, but I want to get the best results possible and from everything I'm reading here and elsewhere I think I can't go wrong by waiting.
Cindy G. 07/27/06
Hi st.louis1here,The numbing cream is called L-M-X (lidocaine 4%)topical anesthetic cream. It really helps because when I was getting an injection she hit a spot higher than where I put the cream and I could definitely tell the difference. I will tell how I chose the place I went to. Well first I went to Advanced in Chesterfield for a consultation. I thought that they told me that they would give me numbing cream also. I then went to Aeterna Medical Spa in St. Peter's. They also have other locations. There are supposed to be two different methods out there. They do the other one. I think the difference is the recipe and the amount they use and the length of time between visits. Their theory is that 4 weeks isn't long enough for the swelling to go down, and that waiting longer between visits gives the medicine more time to work. They also say that you only need 3 visits because of this. So what caused me to go there was less visits=less pain, and it also was $1000 less. I can't even imagine going 6 times, even if pain was my only symptom. Something interesting that I discovered is that the CEO of Aeterna, Ronald Chod and the CEO (I think that is his title) Dr. Richard Muckerman, both OBGYNS are business partners of some medical research company, yet they have both gone in separate directions when it comes to Lipodissolve. Anyway I tried contacting Dr. Chod via e-mail to make him aware of my bad experience. I told him that I really need to speak with him before I go through this again. But I have not heard back from him. I don't know what I am going to do. I am due to go back next, but I am going on vacation the following week. And there is no way I am going on vacation looking or feeling the way I know I will. I can almost bet what is going to happen in the end. They will say "Oh, you must be one of the 3%it doesn't work on". Just like a place I went to for a body wrap told me, when I had one done. Well I put this place out of business between standing in their parking lot and telling people not to do it, driving around with the words "Do not go to Slender Wraps" written on the back windshield of my van, and finally contacting the Attorney General. A friend of ours who is an attorney said if there are enough people out there that don't get results, a class action lawsuit may be filed. But it would be a long time down the road, due to the small amount of people having this done. It would take a while to get enough people, that did not get results, to file a lawsuit.I wish these places would let you actually speak with people who actually had the procedure done. But maybe there is reason why they don't offer that. But their saying about no down time is totally false. I could have told my employer in advance that I would not be at work, but due to their saying of no down time, I had no reason to think that I would not be able to go to work. My work was scrambling to find a replacement for me at the last minute.
CindiG- everyone
HiDid Aeterna offer you any kind of "gurantee" (not spelled right,lol)? Seems like the Lipodissolve Center offered one - but, I don't remember what it was. Maybe you can demand your money back. I originally used their "12 month" payment plan, no interest. I started reading reviews of the service and people were stating that they had major problems with them, like charging interest after 2 months. I went ahead and dug in my savings and paid it off the first month. I hate payments hanging over my head. I will have to ask about that cream, I've never been offered it. I know what you mean about having this done and trying to go to work. I'm a nurse and turning patients the day after having this done was horrible - especially, because I didn't tell anyone that I had this done. Every time my abdomen would rub again the bed, when pulling someone up, was excruciating. That is strange that the doc would not email you back. Remember that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Just cause a little stink, like the other place you did, and you will probably get results. I did that with an airline recently and they put me up in a hotel after I yelled at the counter about their lousy customer service. I would keep on the place till you get some answers on why you reacted the way you did. Can you find out what they injected you with? I've never met the doc at the Lipodissolve Center. I've always spoke with the NP's. It's kind of funny, but being a nurse, I feel more comfortable with them. In my area of the hospital, the nurses know more what is going on than the docs. LOL. Keep us up to date on how your treatments are going. It's so nice to hear from other's on what they are experiencing. I still laugh at the commercial's stating this is "pain free" and "no down time". LOL. What a joke - guess it is better than liposuction (which I wouldn't do)- not as invasive. No scars. I do wonder what those "lumps" look like. I always wonder if they are little black, necrotic area's that are dissolving. Better that I not know!
lipodissolve review lipodisolve lipodissolve blog lipodissolve
Star01 Your claims have no backing. You probably heard it "somewhere" from "someone' and you are making claims that have no evidence. You say the FDA has no known studies on Lipodissolve, then how can you claim that is causes fever, staff infection etc.. A little contradictory don't you think? The FDA does not need to give approval on procedures only on drugs and products. The FDA has recalled over 14,635 drugs and products in the last few years alone. Just see their website on recalls. I'm not saying that regulation is not necessary, i am just pointing out that FDA approval does not mean there are no risks. When administered by a trained professional, Lipodissolve has a safety record which is excellent. There are dozens of studies conducted on the treatment.
These can be found at:
Hasengschwandtner, F Injection Lipolysis for Effective Reduction of Localized Fat in Place of minor surgical Lipoplasty Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2006 125-130.
Lipozap customers may be able to fight soon for some type of justice? Heres a website if ya got suckered out of your $ from lipozap, or have pain.
Here you go, here is a new website that warns about customers who tried and got lipozap treatments, or may be also for future patients? They do want to hear from former lipozap customers including what happened to them, and maybe if they want your money back, or an apology in case you still have pain? (I imagine). Here is the lipozap class action website. -
and I quote "Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating:
We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
This a class action lawsuit it looks like (I am not a lawyer, just a blogger)
After much research I decided to do Lipozap (APPARENTLY NOT ENOUGH RESEARCH). My final reasoning for starting the Lipozap procedure was my doctor, Dr. Susanne Trout was on staff as Medical Director, and I felt, if she's backing this procedure, it's gotta be good. I started Lipozap Treatments Feb. 07. Lower abs, upper abs and back bra line ($2800), The nurses and tech’s are incredibly thorough, and their customer service skills are comparable to any 5 star hotel. My first treatment was to my lower abs. They did not lie. The procedure was virtually painless. However by the time I returned home 30 minutes later it was all I could do to get through the front door. When I complained I was told the first treatment is always the hardest. My 2nd visit was to treat my upper abs and bra line. Again, little pain during the actual procedure, but, I was in so much pain on the way to the parking lot I felt as though I might pass out and seriously considered calling the paramedics. By the time I got home the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I stayed on my couch for 3 days, trips to the bathroom were my only exercise, as I couldn’t even bare eating. It was agony. The uncontrollable spasms in my legs curled my toes and made my right shoulder ache. I spent considerable time discussing my pain with the nurse who called to do the follow up. The following week I spoke with an Administrator. She stated ½ treatments would remedy the pain and swelling and made jokes about a man who'd gone snow skiing the day following his treatments. They did their best to console me. I asked for a refund but they assured me 1/2 treatments with longer intervals between treatments would remedy the situation. Treatment #3 & 4 were halved. However nothing changed. Pain, swelling, spasms. Again I spoke with nurses and Admin. The head nurse laughed and told me she'd had the procedure and not only finished her work day, but had even returned to work the following day with no pain and minor swelling. A few days later, still in severe pain I again asked for a refund. This time I spoke with the Retention Administrator who after discussing my situation for 45 minutes became thoroughly upset when I suggested getting my orthopedic surgeon involved, She went so far as to begin screaming at me. After calming her down, can you believe I had to calm her? She offered to refund a VERY small portion of my fully paid treatment. Now 3 months later, with no treatments since March, "maybe" I see some results. I've spoken repeatedly with Admin. Staff, they've REFUSED, even though their advertisements state, "Money Back Guarantee if not completely satisfied". Now the interesting thing is I've had major back surgery and this procedure is causing horrible swelling in my back culminating in severe spasms to my legs. To put it mildly, I hurt. The ab swelling has gone down but the lumps are still present, and my back still hurts. Since they won't return my money I had decided to continue treatment, however, yesterday (6/29) I had 1/2 treatment # 5. I feel like I was kicked in the back & yes, I do look like I'm 6 months pregnant. – I Would NOT recommend Lipozap. - TO MY WORST ENEMY! - I'm seriously considering seeking legal remedies. - Dr. Adams has promised to call me this coming Monday with info. regarding re-imbursement. - As of today July 12th, I'm still quite swollen and very lumpy, I have yet to hear from Dr. Adams or for that matter anyone on the staff including the young lady who has until this point made follow up calls. By the way Dr. Trout is no longer on staff. Anyone know why? - Kinda makes you wonder................. Additionally I have suffered severe Urinary Tract Infections with each and every treatment. Nov. 16, 2007. Finally got in touch with Dr. Trout’s secretary. She informed me the doctor had disassociated herself from Lipozap because they have not fulfilled their testing procedures and does not want to be associated with any treatment not FDA approved. After many phones calls I have now been told I will receive a form in the mail so I may request a refund. I was also told someone will in 4 to 6 weeks (ahhh 4 to 6 weeks???) to discuss whether I will be permitted any kind of refund. Even though I’m only halfway through treatment. A letter date Jan. 8, 2008 from MedAesthetica Clients Services gave me three options. #1 Transfer the rest of the Lipozap Treatments for credit on the VelaSmooth procedure. # 2 A credit in the amount of $262.50 toward other services such as Fotofacial, Lazer Hair Removal, Botox, Fraxel, etc. #3 A $262.50 Refund. I called Crystal Hernandez, at MedAesthetica, I left a voice mail. She has never bothered to return my call. April 29, 2008. I still look pregnant, actually I look much worse than when I started Lipozap. I still have lumps even though last last treatment was July of 2007. We’re talking 9 ½ months ago. And bruising too. LipoZap was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE mistake!
You’re irritated with me??… Pleazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I know for a fact you work for MedAesthetica Medical Group. Go back and read my file. All I asked for was the balance of the amount I had not used, be returned to me.
And stop posting all the hurrahs for Lipozap comments using anonymous names. They’re bogus! You do realize, as an employee of the corporation, you too are liable.
Anyone interested in joining the class action suit please follow the link below.
Also take the time to look at the Better Business Bureau Report -, check out the articles on the Internet including the major news networks, CBS, NBC, ABC etc.
Obviously I’m not the only one complaining!
Lipozap customers may be able to fight soon for some type of justice? Here's a website if ya got suckered out of your $ from lipozap, or have pain.
Here you go, here is a new website that warns about customers who tried and got lipozap treatments, or may be also for future patients? They do want to hear from former lipozap customers including what happened to them, and maybe if they want your money back, or an apology in case you still have pain? (I imagine). Here is the lipozap class action website. -
and I quote "Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating:We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
I have seen Dr. Trout at her office in Beverly Hills, and I do consider her to be my doctor. I had consulted her regarding Liposuction, however at the time, I could not afford the treatment. Dr. Trout was professional, informative, friendly, and her prices, although to expensive for me, were very competitive.
I did not bother to consult her to ask anything about Lipozap. I just assumed because she was the Medical Director, this would be a good thing. - Apparently, she had disassociated herself from MedAesthetica Medical Group because she DID NOT feel associating herself with using unapproved treatments or non-FDA medication. This was BEFORE I even went in for my consultation. MedAesthetica just didn't bother to remove the link to Dr. Trout. It's my fault I didn't call Dr. Trout personally until after the fact, by then I had already discontinued Lipozap treatments.
Wish I had just saved up the cash and used Dr. Trout's services instead.
Hello to all my new “I got beat by Medaesthetica Friends!
I received the following from the Better Business Bureau today. Thought you all might be interested.
Received from the Better Business Bureau 5-30-08
Medaesthetica Medical Group, Inc.
6320 Canoga Avenue, 13th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Contact: Cindy Gregos
Phone: (800) 547-6927
Kristeen Hernandez
4874 Sunset Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
(213) 840-2581
In the absence of any response from the company this complaint despite our two requests to them, we are closing our file on this complaint.
This unanswered complaint will become part of the information we report to the public on this company for the next three years. Should any government agency request our files on this company, your complaint will also be included.
If you have settled this complaint directly with the company, would you please email us to let us know that, as well as any other comments you might have. Your help in doing this is important to ensure that our report to the public on this company is accurate.
Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau.
Complaint Classification: Credit/Billing/Coll.
Complaint Description - Posted 4/30/2008
Lipo Zap Procedure DID NOT work as advertized. Painful. Lumpy. Bruised. And DID NOT disolve anything but my bank account. I want my money back for the entire procedure as it did not do what they advertized.
Complaint Summary
I want my money back for the entire procedure as it did not do what they advertized.
Resolution Sought
Refund my entire payment
Additional Information
Date Problem First Occurred: 2/23/2007
Product or Service: Supposedly disolves fat.
Model Name or Number:
Date Purchased: 2/23/2007
Order Number:
Amount Paid: $2600.00
Lipozap customers may be able to fight soon for some type of justice? Heres a website if ya got suckered out of your $ from lipozap, or have pain.
Here you go, here is a new website that warns about customers who tried and got lipozap treatments, or may be also for future patients? They do want to hear from former lipozap customers including what happened to them, and maybe if they want your money back, or an apology in case you still have pain? (I imagine). Here is the lipozap class action website. -
"Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating: We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
After much research I decided to do Lipozap (APPARENTLY NOT ENOUGH RESEARCH). My final reasoning for starting the Lipozap procedure was my doctor, Dr. Susanne Trout was on staff as Medical Director, and I felt, if she's backing this procedure, it's gotta be good. I started Lipozap Treatments Feb. 07. Lower abs, upper abs and back bra line ($2800), The nurses and tech’s are incredibly thorough, and their customer service skills are comparable to any 5 star hotel. My first treatment was to my lower abs. They did not lie. The procedure was virtually painless. However by the time I returned home 30 minutes later it was all I could do to get through the front door. When I complained I was told the first treatment is always the hardest. My 2nd visit was to treat my upper abs and bra line. Again, little pain during the actual procedure, but, I was in so much pain on the way to the parking lot I felt as though I might pass out and seriously considered calling the paramedics. By the time I got home the tears were rolling down my cheeks. I stayed on my couch for 3 days, trips to the bathroom were my only exercise, as I couldn’t even bare eating. It was agony. The uncontrollable spasms in my legs curled my toes and made my right shoulder ache. I spent considerable time discussing my pain with the nurse who called to do the follow up. The following week I spoke with an Administrator. She stated ½ treatments would remedy the pain and swelling and made jokes about a man who'd gone snow skiing the day following his treatments. They did their best to console me. I asked for a refund but they assured me 1/2 treatments with longer intervals between treatments would remedy the situation. Treatment #3 & 4 were halved. However nothing changed. Pain, swelling, spasms. Again I spoke with nurses and Admin. The head nurse laughed and told me she'd had the procedure and not only finished her work day, but had even returned to work the following day with no pain and minor swelling. A few days later, still in severe pain I again asked for a refund. This time I spoke with the Retention Administrator who after discussing my situation for 45 minutes became thoroughly upset when I suggested getting my orthopedic surgeon involved, She went so far as to begin screaming at me. After calming her down, can you believe I had to calm her? She offered to refund a VERY small portion of my fully paid treatment. Now 3 months later, with no treatments since March, "maybe" I see some results. I've spoken repeatedly with Admin. Staff, they've REFUSED, even though their advertisements state, "Money Back Guarantee if not completely satisfied". Now the interesting thing is I've had major back surgery and this procedure is causing horrible swelling in my back culminating in severe spasms to my legs. To put it mildly, I hurt. The ab swelling has gone down but the lumps are still present, and my back still hurts. Since they won't return my money I had decided to continue treatment, however, yesterday (6/29) I had 1/2 treatment # 5. I feel like I was kicked in the back & yes, I do look like I'm 6 months pregnant. – I Would NOT recommend Lipozap. - TO MY WORST ENEMY! - I'm seriously considering seeking legal remedies. - Dr. Adams has promised to call me this coming Monday with info. regarding re-imbursement. - As of today July 12th, I'm still quite swollen and very lumpy, I have yet to hear from Dr. Adams or for that matter anyone on the staff including the young lady who has until this point made follow up calls. By the way Dr. Trout is no longer on staff. Anyone know why? - Kinda makes you wonder................. Additionally I have suffered severe Urinary Tract Infections with each and every treatment. Nov. 16, 2007. Finally got in touch with Dr. Trout’s secretary. She informed me the doctor had disassociated herself from Lipozap because they have not fulfilled their testing procedures and does not want to be associated with any treatment not FDA approved. After many phones calls I have now been told I will receive a form in the mail so I may request a refund. I was also told someone will in 4 to 6 weeks (ahhh 4 to 6 weeks???) to discuss whether I will be permitted any kind of refund. Even though I’m only halfway through treatment. A letter date Jan. 8, 2008 from MedAesthetica Clients Services gave me three options. #1 Transfer the rest of the Lipozap Treatments for credit on the VelaSmooth procedure. # 2 A credit in the amount of $262.50 toward other services such as Fotofacial, Lazer Hair Removal, Botox, Fraxel, etc. #3 A $262.50 Refund. I called Crystal Hernandez, at MedAesthetica, I left a voice mail. She has never bothered to return my call. April 29, 2008. I still look pregnant, actually I look much worse than when I started Lipozap. I still have lumps even though last last treatment was July of 2007. We’re talking 9 ½ months ago. And bruising too. LipoZap was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE mistake!
Anyone interested in joining the class action suit please follow the link below.
Also take the time to look at the Better Business Bureau Report -, check out the articles on the Internet including the major news networks, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX etc.
Obviously I’m not the only one complaining!
I have seen Dr. Trout at her office in Beverly Hills, and I do consider her to be my doctor. I had consulted her regarding Liposuction, however at the time, I could not afford the treatment. Dr. Trout was professional, informative, friendly, and her prices, although to expensive for me, were very competitive.
I did not bother to consult her to ask anything about Lipozap. I just assumed because she was the Medical Director, this would be a good thing. - Apparently, she had disassociated herself from MedAesthetica Medical Group because she DID NOT feel associating herself with using unapproved treatments or non-FDA medication. This was BEFORE I even went in for my consultation. MedAesthetica just didn't bother to remove the link to Dr. Trout. It's my fault I didn't call Dr. Trout personally until after the fact, by then I had already discontinued Lipozap treatments.
Wish I had just saved up the cash and used Dr. Trout's services instead.
Hello to all my new “I got beat by Medaesthetica Friends!
I received the following from the Better Business Bureau today. Thought you all might be interested.
Received from the Better Business Bureau 5-30-08
Medaesthetica Medical Group, Inc.
6320 Canoga Avenue, 13th Floor Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Contact: Cindy Gregos
Phone: (800) 547-6927
In the absence of any response from the company this complaint despite our two requests to them, we are closing our file on this complaint.
This unanswered complaint will become part of the information we report to the public on this company for the next three years. Should any government agency request our files on this company, your complaint will also be included.
If you have settled this complaint directly with the company, would you please email us to let us know that, as well as any other comments you might have. Your help in doing this is important to ensure that our report to the public on this company is accurate.
Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau.
Complaint Classification: Credit/Billing/Coll.
Complaint Description - Posted 4/30/2008
Lipo Zap Procedure DID NOT work as advertized. Painful. Lumpy. Bruised. And DID NOT disolve anything but my bank account. I want my money back for the entire procedure as it did not do what they advertized.
Complaint Summary
I want my money back for the entire procedure as it did not do what they advertized.
Resolution Sought
Refund my entire payment
Additional Information
Date Problem First Occurred: 2/23/2007
Product or Service: Supposedly disolves fat.
Model Name or Number:
Date Purchased: 2/23/2007
Order Number:
Amount Paid: $2600.00
Dear lady2soothe,
How frustrating. How can the BBB better business bureau do NOTHING?
I noticed on the Los angeles radio stations last week that lipozap changed their name, and are still in business promising false claims of easy bulge removal on the radio. It is sad that the BBB is so lame. More women will pay money and have pain with no results, and look worse, thanks to lipozap and the BBB NOT looking for the best interest of the public.
At least Doctor Trout is now smart enough to DISassosicate herself with lipozap. She learned something.
Best wishes to you and maybe the BBB will smarten up with more lipozap reviews and more lipozap customers telling their own story and what really happened to them?
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