
UltraShape Non-Invasive Fat Reduction & Body Contouring Clinical Study Results Featured at American Society for Laser Medicine&Surgery Meeting Ap2008.

From the www.ultrashape.com website, here is what was recently presented in April 2008 . .

April 3, 2008 – Results of an independent multi-treatment clinical study of the UltraShape® Contour I, the first clinically proven non-invasive solution for fat reduction and body contouring using non-thermal selective focused ultrasound will be presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery annual meeting on April 4, 2008 in Kissimmee, Florida. The presentation is entitled “Lipotripsy: Non-invasive Ultrasonic Selective Destruction of Adipocytes using UltraShape” will take place during the scientific session The Cutting Edge in Optical Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Tissues and Cells.

Hector Leal-Silva, M.D., a dermatologic surgeon based in Monterrey, Mexico, will present the results of the 36 patient clinical study using the UltraShape system on localized fat deposits in the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. The study showed definitive, measurable results in 100 percent of patients including an average of two-inch (5cm) reduction in circumference in the abdomen after a series of three treatments, one month apart. CT scans taken in a subset of study subjects showed objective quantifiable fat thickness reduction. Photographic assessment, weight and circumferential measures were evaluated before and after each treatment and one month after the last treatment. Visual contour improvement was seen in over 85% of patients as assessed by an independent panel of physicians. Ninety-four percent (94%) of patients were satisfied with the procedure. In addition, there were no adverse events reported.

“With the major shift in patient demand toward non-invasive, pain-free, no-downtime procedures UltraShape has become a core procedure offering in my aesthetic practice,” said Leal. “My clinical study demonstrated measurable circumference reduction and visual improvement in body contour in all patients. Moreover, my patients are happy with a high percentage of them returning for treatment of other body areas or recommending UltraShape to friends and family.”

“Dr. Leal-Silva’s impressive clinical study results combined with his successful commercial experience with UltraShape further adds to our growing body of evidence supporting UltraShape as the clinically proven non-invasive option for the reduction of localized fat deposits and improvement in body contour,” said Rodger Stewart, President and Chief Executive Officer of UltraShape Inc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just wanted to add my voice to yours in saying that it worked for me too. I had it done at TCC in Toronto. I've already lost 3 inches and I'm going in for another session in a week. This is a really great invention and I wish more people knew about it.

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