Ultrashape is my majic wand. After 3 trtmts, I have lost > 4" from my waist, I lost 2" each time. Ultrashape uses ultrasound. It may replace liposuction. I wrote about my experience as a paying Ultrashape client re. why, pictures before after, etc. I am so happy I tried this before painful liposuction. UShape has 0 needles. It's in Canada, Mexico,Spain, Australia, Italy, not USA yet. You can buy my research if you want.
Ultrashape Testimonials
that include
Patient Testimonials
35 year old female
I go to the gym 4 times a week and do cardio workouts and weight training. I am at my ideal body weight and feel comfortable at this weight. After all of this exercise, I still had a belly that I just could not get rid of. It always bulged out. I was at the gym and heard one of the other women talking about a treatment that she had had done at Dr. Gidon's office called UltraShape. After 3 treatments, she had lost most of her belly and 3 inches in measurement. Her pants were loose on her and she looked great. I booked an appointment with Dr. Gidon. She took my height and weight and said I was a good candidate for UltraShape. She marked the area to be treated and then her assistant weighed me and took measurements and photos. All I had to do was lie down on a mattress and the assistant slowly moved the UltraShape transducer over my belly. There was no pain and I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. I had 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart and lost 2 ½ inches from around my belly. My pants have all had to be altered since they were too large. I am thrilled with the results. I had to continue exercising after the treatments and watch my diet so I could burn off the excess fat. Everyone says that I look terrific. Now that I have the shape that I want, I will continue to watch what I eat and go to the gym regularly so that I won't gain weight. I have been recommending UltraShape to everyone who has stubborn fat.
28 year old man
I have always taken care of my body. I eat a healthy diet with no junk food and exercise at least 4 times a week. I play hockey once a week also. I had a small pot belly that just would not go away, no matter how many crunches I did. My friend had UltraShape treatments for his abdomen and told me to see Dr. Gidon. She said that I would see a difference after 3 treatments and was she right! I can't see any belly now and my slacks fit so much better. I still continue to be active and eat a good diet. I'm so happy that my friend sent me to Dr. Gidon. I am so pleased with the result.
42 year old woman
My children always laughed at me when I wore jeans. They called me muffin top because I had fat that bulged out from the top of my jeans. I made an appointment with Dr. Gidon and she measured my height and weight and said that I could have UltraShape treatments to lose some of that fat. I saw a difference after the first treatment. I didn't bulge out of my jeans as much. After the third treatment, my jeans fit so much better and my children even said I looked good. I can wear tight jeans and tops now and not feel self-conscious. The treatments didn't hurt at all and were relaxing. I was advised to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly. I would definitely recommend this treatment.
See an inspiring video from a man who lost over 200 pounds!
His interview from the today show highlights his journey.
Some of the text of his interview are -
When Gregg McBride stepped on the scale one day, he thought it was broken. He later discovered the "error" message it displayed did not mean it was broken after all -- it just didn't go over 450 pounds, which was how much Gregg weighed at the time.
The 36-year-old's struggle with weight began in early childhood when his parents told him he couldn't eat junk food. But instead of setting a healthy example, this strict diet only hurt Gregg, so much so that he would steal money from his father's wallet to buy junk food and secretly scarf it down. "They thought they were helping," Gregg told the Today Show. "But in hindsight, I can see that they created a forbidden fruit. I ate junk food like it was going out of style."
Gregg's food addiction continued to get worse over the next 30 years. He was consuming nearly 9,000 calories a day on a menu that included soda for breakfast; several cartons of Chinese food and milkshakes for lunch; and a family-of-four-size meal from a fast-food restaurant for dinner, with a whole bag of cookies for dessert.
Despite Gregg's many attempts to lose the weight, nothing stuck ."I tried every diet out there: the wacky ones, the public ones, the dangerous ones," he said. "But I just kept getting bigger and bigger."
Gregg even tried a liquid fast where he didn't consume solid food for weeks. But when he spotted a half-eaten bag of potato chips in his trash, he stared at it for an hour before finally reaching in and devouring it.
While he was known as the "funny fat guy" to his friends, there was nothing funny about the way Gregg felt about himself. "It took every ounce of courage to walk into a room and not feel judged," he said. After college while job hunting, he said interviewers wouldn't even look him in the eye. "I felt like I had a disease that no one wanted."
10 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Predictions For 2009
press release from American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the leading national organization of board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic surgery, offers its predictions for cosmetic surgery in 2009. Predictions are based on interviews with leading plastic surgeons around the country.
- Aesthetic Medicine has seen a dramatic increase in the diversity of the patients treated over the past decade and this trend is expected to continue to grow stronger than ever, with applications that cater to all people. The appeal of both aesthetic surgery and cosmetic medicine will continue to spread across the spectrum of our population, as plastic surgeons further tailor treatments to meet the sometimes unique needs of that expanding population.
- The growth and popularity of cosmetic fillers (Evolence, Juvederm, Restylane, etc.) will continue to increase as products continue to evolve and new players enter the market.
- As our population increasingly realizes the dangers and health consequences of obesity, the number of patients seeking plastic surgery procedures for body contouring after dramatic weight loss (abdominoplasty, lower body lift, upper arm lift, etc.) will rise in 2009.
- Reloxin (an injectable form of Botulinum Toxin Type A) will gain FDA approval and compete with Botox (the most popular cosmetic procedure for the past 5 years) and other similar products may begin to enter pre-market clinical trials.
- Consumers looking for a bargain on cosmetic procedures will unfortunately lead to an increase in horror stories about "discount injectables" bought offshore and cosmetic medicine and cosmetic surgical procedures performed by untrained or poorly trained practitioners.
- Experimental techniques for non-invasive fat removal (SonoScultpt, UltraShape) as a future alternative or adjunct to liposuction (lipoplasty) surgery, will continue be tested in clinical trials.
- Men will represent a growing segment of the aesthetic surgery market. (According to a February 2008 consumer survey commissioned by ASAPS, 57 percent of men approve of cosmetic surgery, and 20 percent would consider having cosmetic surgery. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of American men surveyed said they would not be embarrassed if people in addition to their family and close friends knew they had undergone cosmetic surgery.)
- As the popularity of non surgical and minimally invasive procedures continues to grow; surgeons and manufacturers will develop new techniques and products that advance the science, produce even better results and lessen recovery time.
- Cosmetic surgery "vacations" will become less popular as educated consumers understand the safety and risk issues associated with surgical procedures and travel. Surgery performed by board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons, in accredited facilities where follow-up care is available will continue to be the safest option and the best value.
- Following the trend in increased consumer sophistication regarding healthcare choices, board certification of practitioners, and accreditation of surgical facilities will play an even more important role in choosing a cosmetic surgeon.
The 2400-member American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is the only plastic surgery organization devoted entirely to the advancement of cosmetic surgery. ASAPS is recognized throughout the world as the authoritative source for cosmetic surgery education. U.S. members are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Canadian members are certified in plastic surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Toll-free referral line: 888.ASAPS.11 (272.7711). Web site: www.surgery.org
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Ultrashape Testimonials
FDA Approval
Once it may be approved in the USA, I will post it here on my blog.
Aol story about Ultrashape

AOL talks about the success of clients and doctors who use Ultrashape and says -
Bulge Zapper Not Available in US -- Yet
By Claire House Robinson
posted: 41 DAYS AGO
comments: 208
(Feb. 12) - A relatively new medical treatment has the potential to minimize some of those unsightly bulges -- without surgery. It's not approved in the U.S., but it may be in the future. So how much promise does the technology hold?
The UltraShape system uses a noninvasive ultrasound device designed to target and destroy fat cells only and leave surrounding tissue unaffected. The patient's body then naturally metabolizes the fat released from the cells, studies have found.
A before-and-after photo shows a patient who received noninvasive body contouring via the UltraShape system, under the care of Dr. Arie Benchetrit of Montreal, Canada. UltraShape, which is not yet approved in the U.S., is a focused ultrasound device that targets fat cells in the body.
More than 100,000 treatments have been performed in 57 countries. Still, at least one U.S. expert said he is reserving judgment on the treatment's effectiveness until it can be used widely here.
An advocate of the treatment is Dr. Arie Benchetrit of Montreal, who has been using UltraShape since 2007. The plastic surgeon of 19 years, who was the first in Canada to adopt the technology, calls it "the first real device" to eliminate fat and contour the body without surgery.
"Along the way there were a few machines with a lot of hype and promise," Benchetrit said. "But they only provided minor improvement by massaging or manipulating the fat," temporary fixes that would ultimately end in patient disappointment, he said.
UltraShape can target excess fat in the mid- and lower torso and outer thighs. Software guides the physician in the process, which takes three treatments of 40 to 60 minutes each.
Benchetrit said he has found surprisingly few side effects. "We've treated 150 patients and had one blister" as the sole complication, he said.
More Ultrashape reviews from customers
and here is their list of several topics in their forum -

Ultra Shape talk among friends video
Here is a video that also explains Ultrashape between 3 ladies with a cool accent from the UK.