Found a site that has several testimonials from using Ultrashape -
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Patient Testimonials
35 year old female
I go to the gym 4 times a week and do cardio workouts and weight training. I am at my ideal body weight and feel comfortable at this weight. After all of this exercise, I still had a belly that I just could not get rid of. It always bulged out. I was at the gym and heard one of the other women talking about a treatment that she had had done at Dr. Gidon's office called UltraShape. After 3 treatments, she had lost most of her belly and 3 inches in measurement. Her pants were loose on her and she looked great. I booked an appointment with Dr. Gidon. She took my height and weight and said I was a good candidate for UltraShape. She marked the area to be treated and then her assistant weighed me and took measurements and photos. All I had to do was lie down on a mattress and the assistant slowly moved the UltraShape transducer over my belly. There was no pain and I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. I had 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart and lost 2 ½ inches from around my belly. My pants have all had to be altered since they were too large. I am thrilled with the results. I had to continue exercising after the treatments and watch my diet so I could burn off the excess fat. Everyone says that I look terrific. Now that I have the shape that I want, I will continue to watch what I eat and go to the gym regularly so that I won't gain weight. I have been recommending UltraShape to everyone who has stubborn fat.
28 year old man
I have always taken care of my body. I eat a healthy diet with no junk food and exercise at least 4 times a week. I play hockey once a week also. I had a small pot belly that just would not go away, no matter how many crunches I did. My friend had UltraShape treatments for his abdomen and told me to see Dr. Gidon. She said that I would see a difference after 3 treatments and was she right! I can't see any belly now and my slacks fit so much better. I still continue to be active and eat a good diet. I'm so happy that my friend sent me to Dr. Gidon. I am so pleased with the result.
42 year old woman
My children always laughed at me when I wore jeans. They called me muffin top because I had fat that bulged out from the top of my jeans. I made an appointment with Dr. Gidon and she measured my height and weight and said that I could have UltraShape treatments to lose some of that fat. I saw a difference after the first treatment. I didn't bulge out of my jeans as much. After the third treatment, my jeans fit so much better and my children even said I looked good. I can wear tight jeans and tops now and not feel self-conscious. The treatments didn't hurt at all and were relaxing. I was advised to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly. I would definitely recommend this treatment.
Ultrashape is great for those who want to lose stubborn, localized fat deposits such as saddle bags or muffin tops.For those who reside in Montreal, Spa Diva Medical Center offers this service. In addition, all their equipment is operated by registered nurses and not technicians.
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