I had Ultrashape and it did work for me. It was painless. Ultrashape is not invasive.
Ultrashape is my majic wand. After 3 trtmts, I have lost > 4" from my waist, I lost 2" each time. Ultrashape uses ultrasound. It may replace liposuction. I wrote about my experience as a paying Ultrashape client re. why, pictures before after, etc. I am so happy I tried this before painful liposuction. UShape has 0 needles. It's in Canada, Mexico,Spain, Australia, Italy, not USA yet. You can buy my research if you want.
Heres a video about Ultrashape
and heres a facebook group of ultrashape customers -
Ultrashape group now on Facebook
if you have had an Ultrashape treatment, or want more information, click on -
The New Ultrashape coming soon . .
Check out http://cosmeticmdnation.blogspot.com/2010/01/new-ultrashape-coming-soon.html
Ultrashape Testimonials
that include
Patient Testimonials
35 year old female
I go to the gym 4 times a week and do cardio workouts and weight training. I am at my ideal body weight and feel comfortable at this weight. After all of this exercise, I still had a belly that I just could not get rid of. It always bulged out. I was at the gym and heard one of the other women talking about a treatment that she had had done at Dr. Gidon's office called UltraShape. After 3 treatments, she had lost most of her belly and 3 inches in measurement. Her pants were loose on her and she looked great. I booked an appointment with Dr. Gidon. She took my height and weight and said I was a good candidate for UltraShape. She marked the area to be treated and then her assistant weighed me and took measurements and photos. All I had to do was lie down on a mattress and the assistant slowly moved the UltraShape transducer over my belly. There was no pain and I was so relaxed that I fell asleep. I had 3 treatments, 4 weeks apart and lost 2 ½ inches from around my belly. My pants have all had to be altered since they were too large. I am thrilled with the results. I had to continue exercising after the treatments and watch my diet so I could burn off the excess fat. Everyone says that I look terrific. Now that I have the shape that I want, I will continue to watch what I eat and go to the gym regularly so that I won't gain weight. I have been recommending UltraShape to everyone who has stubborn fat.
28 year old man
I have always taken care of my body. I eat a healthy diet with no junk food and exercise at least 4 times a week. I play hockey once a week also. I had a small pot belly that just would not go away, no matter how many crunches I did. My friend had UltraShape treatments for his abdomen and told me to see Dr. Gidon. She said that I would see a difference after 3 treatments and was she right! I can't see any belly now and my slacks fit so much better. I still continue to be active and eat a good diet. I'm so happy that my friend sent me to Dr. Gidon. I am so pleased with the result.
42 year old woman
My children always laughed at me when I wore jeans. They called me muffin top because I had fat that bulged out from the top of my jeans. I made an appointment with Dr. Gidon and she measured my height and weight and said that I could have UltraShape treatments to lose some of that fat. I saw a difference after the first treatment. I didn't bulge out of my jeans as much. After the third treatment, my jeans fit so much better and my children even said I looked good. I can wear tight jeans and tops now and not feel self-conscious. The treatments didn't hurt at all and were relaxing. I was advised to have a healthy diet and to exercise regularly. I would definitely recommend this treatment.
See an inspiring video from a man who lost over 200 pounds!
His interview from the today show highlights his journey.
Some of the text of his interview are -
When Gregg McBride stepped on the scale one day, he thought it was broken. He later discovered the "error" message it displayed did not mean it was broken after all -- it just didn't go over 450 pounds, which was how much Gregg weighed at the time.
The 36-year-old's struggle with weight began in early childhood when his parents told him he couldn't eat junk food. But instead of setting a healthy example, this strict diet only hurt Gregg, so much so that he would steal money from his father's wallet to buy junk food and secretly scarf it down. "They thought they were helping," Gregg told the Today Show. "But in hindsight, I can see that they created a forbidden fruit. I ate junk food like it was going out of style."
Gregg's food addiction continued to get worse over the next 30 years. He was consuming nearly 9,000 calories a day on a menu that included soda for breakfast; several cartons of Chinese food and milkshakes for lunch; and a family-of-four-size meal from a fast-food restaurant for dinner, with a whole bag of cookies for dessert.
Despite Gregg's many attempts to lose the weight, nothing stuck ."I tried every diet out there: the wacky ones, the public ones, the dangerous ones," he said. "But I just kept getting bigger and bigger."
Gregg even tried a liquid fast where he didn't consume solid food for weeks. But when he spotted a half-eaten bag of potato chips in his trash, he stared at it for an hour before finally reaching in and devouring it.
While he was known as the "funny fat guy" to his friends, there was nothing funny about the way Gregg felt about himself. "It took every ounce of courage to walk into a room and not feel judged," he said. After college while job hunting, he said interviewers wouldn't even look him in the eye. "I felt like I had a disease that no one wanted."
10 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Predictions For 2009
press release from American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the leading national organization of board-certified plastic surgeons who specialize in cosmetic surgery, offers its predictions for cosmetic surgery in 2009. Predictions are based on interviews with leading plastic surgeons around the country.
- Aesthetic Medicine has seen a dramatic increase in the diversity of the patients treated over the past decade and this trend is expected to continue to grow stronger than ever, with applications that cater to all people. The appeal of both aesthetic surgery and cosmetic medicine will continue to spread across the spectrum of our population, as plastic surgeons further tailor treatments to meet the sometimes unique needs of that expanding population.
- The growth and popularity of cosmetic fillers (Evolence, Juvederm, Restylane, etc.) will continue to increase as products continue to evolve and new players enter the market.
- As our population increasingly realizes the dangers and health consequences of obesity, the number of patients seeking plastic surgery procedures for body contouring after dramatic weight loss (abdominoplasty, lower body lift, upper arm lift, etc.) will rise in 2009.
- Reloxin (an injectable form of Botulinum Toxin Type A) will gain FDA approval and compete with Botox (the most popular cosmetic procedure for the past 5 years) and other similar products may begin to enter pre-market clinical trials.
- Consumers looking for a bargain on cosmetic procedures will unfortunately lead to an increase in horror stories about "discount injectables" bought offshore and cosmetic medicine and cosmetic surgical procedures performed by untrained or poorly trained practitioners.
- Experimental techniques for non-invasive fat removal (SonoScultpt, UltraShape) as a future alternative or adjunct to liposuction (lipoplasty) surgery, will continue be tested in clinical trials.
- Men will represent a growing segment of the aesthetic surgery market. (According to a February 2008 consumer survey commissioned by ASAPS, 57 percent of men approve of cosmetic surgery, and 20 percent would consider having cosmetic surgery. Seventy-nine percent (79%) of American men surveyed said they would not be embarrassed if people in addition to their family and close friends knew they had undergone cosmetic surgery.)
- As the popularity of non surgical and minimally invasive procedures continues to grow; surgeons and manufacturers will develop new techniques and products that advance the science, produce even better results and lessen recovery time.
- Cosmetic surgery "vacations" will become less popular as educated consumers understand the safety and risk issues associated with surgical procedures and travel. Surgery performed by board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons, in accredited facilities where follow-up care is available will continue to be the safest option and the best value.
- Following the trend in increased consumer sophistication regarding healthcare choices, board certification of practitioners, and accreditation of surgical facilities will play an even more important role in choosing a cosmetic surgeon.
The 2400-member American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) is the only plastic surgery organization devoted entirely to the advancement of cosmetic surgery. ASAPS is recognized throughout the world as the authoritative source for cosmetic surgery education. U.S. members are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Canadian members are certified in plastic surgery by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
Toll-free referral line: 888.ASAPS.11 (272.7711). Web site: www.surgery.org
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Ultrashape Testimonials
FDA Approval
Once it may be approved in the USA, I will post it here on my blog.
Aol story about Ultrashape

AOL talks about the success of clients and doctors who use Ultrashape and says -
Bulge Zapper Not Available in US -- Yet
By Claire House Robinson
posted: 41 DAYS AGO
comments: 208
(Feb. 12) - A relatively new medical treatment has the potential to minimize some of those unsightly bulges -- without surgery. It's not approved in the U.S., but it may be in the future. So how much promise does the technology hold?
The UltraShape system uses a noninvasive ultrasound device designed to target and destroy fat cells only and leave surrounding tissue unaffected. The patient's body then naturally metabolizes the fat released from the cells, studies have found.
A before-and-after photo shows a patient who received noninvasive body contouring via the UltraShape system, under the care of Dr. Arie Benchetrit of Montreal, Canada. UltraShape, which is not yet approved in the U.S., is a focused ultrasound device that targets fat cells in the body.
More than 100,000 treatments have been performed in 57 countries. Still, at least one U.S. expert said he is reserving judgment on the treatment's effectiveness until it can be used widely here.
An advocate of the treatment is Dr. Arie Benchetrit of Montreal, who has been using UltraShape since 2007. The plastic surgeon of 19 years, who was the first in Canada to adopt the technology, calls it "the first real device" to eliminate fat and contour the body without surgery.
"Along the way there were a few machines with a lot of hype and promise," Benchetrit said. "But they only provided minor improvement by massaging or manipulating the fat," temporary fixes that would ultimately end in patient disappointment, he said.
UltraShape can target excess fat in the mid- and lower torso and outer thighs. Software guides the physician in the process, which takes three treatments of 40 to 60 minutes each.
Benchetrit said he has found surprisingly few side effects. "We've treated 150 patients and had one blister" as the sole complication, he said.
More Ultrashape reviews from customers
and here is their list of several topics in their forum -

Ultra Shape talk among friends video
Here is a video that also explains Ultrashape between 3 ladies with a cool accent from the UK.
Welcome to my blog and Ultrashape is shown on Good Morning America today
Ultrashape is presented today on Good Morning America, January 5, 2009, read all about their story about Ultrashape
Just click play, the GMA/abcnews site has a 4 minute video about the technology of Ultrashape, a patient's story from Canada about how she liks her results, an interview with the doctor, how
it is non invasive, non surgical, and really does work. Also, over 50,000 patients have already tried Ultrashape throughout the world. That is more than I thought, as this is a new technology.
Ultrashape may replace rough liposuction for many who haaaaaate surgeries.

I do hope that Ultrashape will be fda approved one day quite soon. But it is available in Canada and Mexico, including Tijuana,
Another happy Ultrashape customer left a comment on my blog today . .
has her comment.
I am glad to hear that it worked for her. (And really glad that she did not have to have surgery to lose 3 inches, that is exciting. I hate surgery.)
In addition to Ultrashape, I have enjoyed working out and staying in shape by going to http://www.joegrassoelitetraining.com/ in San Jose California. My trainers Joe, Babak, Chester and Al are all great, helpful and motivating. Ultrashape works, but you still need to stay in shape after you lose your 2 inches per treatment. I lost 2" my first treatment, and another 2" after my second treatment. I also watched what I ate for those 60 days. And I researched ahead of time. Scroll down and you are more than welcome to purchase my research paper about Ultrashape, if youd like for a nominal fee, via paypal.
How to order the Ultrashape research and what is included in the research paper about Ultrashape . .
- A list of > 14 great questions that you can ask your doctor or nurse before you get your first Ultrashape treatment
Also -
- What I learned this past year after many many phone calls, emails, website visits, talking with a liposuction doctor, and research
- 15 Frequently Asked Questions, and ANSWERS (FAQs)
- my diet journal
- where I went, and how I got there to get a treatment
- many helpful Ultrashape web LINKS, in an organized table format > 20 great web links! SAVE TIME searching all over, as in hours.
- my exact measurements before and after each session
- 3 pages, more than 8 before and after Ultrashape PICTURES of various views such as side, front, 90 degrees, etc. of before and after UShape treatments 1,2,3.
- a picture of me getting an Ultrashape treatment
- a list of contact info for 9 docs currently offering UltraShape
- how it works
- clinical papers
- your treatment questions answered - don't be waiting for days from abroad
Also, the Word file I will email you separately of HELPFUL Ultrashape weblinks are now a total of more than 22 different links, and here are all their descriptions . . .
- Click this link to view a Video: Here you can see how UltraShape works and breaks up fat without surgery, and leaves the veins and nerves alone. There are also several different (8) entries about Ultrashape.
- Click Here is an article written by a client who got UltraShape in the UK and wrote about it. You can SEE her pictures before and after her treatment.
- This site discusses why UltraShape is meant to be better than liposuction. UltraS uses pain-free ultrasound to break-up fat w/out surgery. Recovery from UltraS is immediate, and here you see comments from real UShape clients.
- The Consulting _ is the UK's largest aesthetic website providing clear and unbiased information on a wide range of specialist cosmetic treatments.
- This site offers thoughts and opinions on personal makeovers.
- This site is hosted by the magazine New . It offers information on beauty products and procedures.
- A Message Board on the London website about UltraShape
- This site is discusses the scientific research of UShape.
- Learn from a doctor in London, who has successfully treated many patients for more than 1 year.
- Tribune news article
- Take blog 118 comments on Ultrashape, all by UShape customers!
- Two similar products compete, UltraShape & LipoSonix
- Lipozap review, Ultrashape description on make me message board
- Canadian company possibly for doctors, has Ultrashape information and images
- Kage, a UShapecustomer, tells about her experience getting an Ultrashape treatment, published April 2007 “The process took a little over an hour. True enough, it was painless and trauma-free.”
- Forum discussion board
- Gadget survey
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
Well then, if you would like to click on these many different links and are interested . . you can ask for via email my research paper. I thoroughly researched for more than a year, so you will NOT have to research anything, and I can help you save time! The first 150 emails of questions from 22 countries were great!
But now, when I do email and respond for an average of > 12 hours/week to people from all over the world, then I am asking for a nominal fee of just $0.00 for my findings, many pictures, etc. so that I can continue my blog, my findings, helpful suggestions, pass on to you when it will be approved in the USA, and answering all types of questions via email and help whomever would like more information, diet suggestions, advantages of Ultrashape vs liposuction, etc.
I am just a teacher and would appreciate your help to continue my research into new techie gadgets that do work. Thank you for your consideration. Thanks and good luck to YOU!! May you lose those last stubborn inches one day very soon, that will not leave no matter what you have tried until now!
How to order the before and after pictures, & 14 page research paper
Just click the Add to cart button below to order a copy of both the research paper on Ultrashape, the 15 FAQs, my email address, many views of before and after pictures, etc. to help you make a more informed decision as to whether you want to get Ultrashape, or liposuction, or nothing, and find out whichever option is best for you. The file formats are PDFs. Already, people have been thankful and happy with their purchase as they could not find this information anywhere online about Ultrashape, and it was frustrating for them, not getting any answers until they bought my research.
To order paypal click the Add to cart button below it only costs $3.99 save time now!
So just click Add to cart button and pay with paypal and choose quanity of 1 to purchase my pictures, tips, directions, > 23 helpful weblinks, etc. my experience, etc. good luck to you!
If you may have hotmail, please do a test email to me @ teresaohio@aol.com so that I can send you the files after you have paid, thanks!
Here are customer reviews of the research . . .
June 15, 2007
Yes, I've just finished my second Ultrashape session . So far I've lost 4 inches . . . Thanks for the info that you provided. Your research helped me a great deal! - Allan D
May 1, 2007
" Hi! I can't thank you enough for blogging about your experience in TJ with UltraShape! I went down there this last weekend and had it done! I actually fell asleep during the treatment a couple of times! It felt more like a hot rock massage than anything! Ana Maria spoke very fondly of you and the girls all said to say 'hi'! The directions and price quote of the taxi you gave were right on (good thing because the address did not help the taxi driver at all!) The clinic even gave us a ride back to the border! Thanks again so much! I'll keep you posted on my progress."
Take care, Erica USA
"It was helpful and worth it! Thanks! You saved me hours! Thanks!! I am Canada bound!" Tammy from Solon. Ohio.
"The information obtained from Teresa helped me research and understand that this procedure is pefectly safe and effective. It proved to me that there is a "real person" out there that had Ultrashape done and got amazing results from it.
Thank you so much Teresa for sharing your story!"
Hoagland Indiana
"Wow, very helpful. Ultrashape needs a customer service rep yesterday, one that answers my questions. You answered all my 10 questions, you are great!" Sherry Anaheim, California
"You look GREAT! I can't believe the difference in the pictures. Thanks so much for including them. It really helped solidify my decision. Thanks again!"
Erica San Diego California
"Muchas gracias. Me gustan las fotos!" Carolina J. (Thank you. I really like the before and after photos.) Madrid, Spain Soto de la Moraleja
And now below, I am confident in a bikini, in Club Med April 2007, thanks to Ultrashape! After medical menopause, and chemotherapy, I did NOT think I would ever be able to wear a bikini again after > 8 cancer related painful surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, cancer sad mood swings, depression, mastectomy, stomach weight gain, inactivity, > 2 reconst surgeries, etc., Ultrashape sure helped me. My life is slowing getting back to normal.

And you can see before and after pictures, different views, in my paper.
Louisiana tv station does a story on Ultrashape, and tells how it is different from former fat reduction options
"Weight Loss Wednesday: Ultrashape claims to melt fat non-evasively
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Meg Farris / WWL-TV Medical Reporter
But now there is new technology being used to sculpt the body and melt fat. It's being used around the world, from Australia to Europe and Israel. People in the U.S. even go to Canada and Mexico to have it done.
“This is an incredible breakthrough,” said local dermatologic surgeon William Coleman. “This is a totally different thing than anything else that's ever been available.”
Metairie plastic and reconstructive surgeon David Jansen says local doctors are excited by the prospects.
“Because we are all progressing together toward minimal down time procedures, so I'm waiting on the sidelines a little bit until I see more dramatic improvements and then I'm going to hop in.”
Last year one of the premier scientific journals, Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, featured an article on Ultrashape. In before and after photographs, the treatments with Ultrashape diminished the size of men's breasts, women's stomach areas and the outer thighs. The study concluded that Ultrashape was very effective for thin people who wanted to get rid of local areas of fat deposits, and who wanted to improve body contouring. But the research showed it is not a treatment for obesity.

“One of the advantages that I see, based on the studies, is that it requires fewer treatments,” said dermatologist Patricia Farris.
“Many of the devices we use to body sculpt now take eight, 10 or 12 treatments. In these studies they did only three treatments, and they did them at one-month intervals and the before and after pictures were pretty impressive,” she said.
Doctors are quick to point out that this is totally different from Endermologie or other external massaging machines used by doctors or spas. Those machines swell fat to temporarily camouflage cellulite. And while Ultrashape has been in other countries for years, it's not yet approved in the United States, but is going through the Food and Drug Administration safety process now. Some doctors have questions about what happens to the toxins and fat liquefied in the body.
“Now it's going to break open the fat cells and release the contents of all those triglycerides within the fat cells, not necessarily into the blood, but into perhaps the spaces in between the cells,” said Henri Roca, a family and integrative medicine specialist with LSU Health Sciences Center.
“This is an issue, since we don't know what that will cause.”
The makers of Ultrashape cite studies published in scientific journals suggesting that triglycerides do not accumulate in the blood or liver.
“So far there haven't been any significant problems,” Coleman said. “It's been used very conservatively, but the problems that have been occurring are mainly small burns and that sort of thing.”
Coleman already knows his clinic in Metairie will be one of the U.S. test sites for Ultrashape, but there is no word on when that will be. For now, people from the U.S. who want a quick fix to lumps and bulges will need a passport to travel to one of the countries where it is available.
UltraShape Non-Invasive Fat Reduction & Body Contouring Clinical Study Results Featured at American Society for Laser Medicine&Surgery Meeting Ap2008.
April 3, 2008 – Results of an independent multi-treatment clinical study of the UltraShape® Contour I, the first clinically proven non-invasive solution for fat reduction and body contouring using non-thermal selective focused ultrasound will be presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery annual meeting on April 4, 2008 in Kissimmee, Florida. The presentation is entitled “Lipotripsy: Non-invasive Ultrasonic Selective Destruction of Adipocytes using UltraShape” will take place during the scientific session The Cutting Edge in Optical Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Tissues and Cells.
Hector Leal-Silva, M.D., a dermatologic surgeon based in Monterrey, Mexico, will present the results of the 36 patient clinical study using the UltraShape system on localized fat deposits in the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. The study showed definitive, measurable results in 100 percent of patients including an average of two-inch (5cm) reduction in circumference in the abdomen after a series of three treatments, one month apart. CT scans taken in a subset of study subjects showed objective quantifiable fat thickness reduction. Photographic assessment, weight and circumferential measures were evaluated before and after each treatment and one month after the last treatment. Visual contour improvement was seen in over 85% of patients as assessed by an independent panel of physicians. Ninety-four percent (94%) of patients were satisfied with the procedure. In addition, there were no adverse events reported.
“With the major shift in patient demand toward non-invasive, pain-free, no-downtime procedures UltraShape has become a core procedure offering in my aesthetic practice,” said Leal. “My clinical study demonstrated measurable circumference reduction and visual improvement in body contour in all patients. Moreover, my patients are happy with a high percentage of them returning for treatment of other body areas or recommending UltraShape to friends and family.”
“Dr. Leal-Silva’s impressive clinical study results combined with his successful commercial experience with UltraShape further adds to our growing body of evidence supporting UltraShape as the clinically proven non-invasive option for the reduction of localized fat deposits and improvement in body contour,” said Rodger Stewart, President and Chief Executive Officer of UltraShape Inc.
An Ultrashape customer warns of her experience in Calgary, Canada but will try a Toronto Ultrashape clinic
"I went to Laser Rejuvenation Clinics and Spa in Calgary Canada at 150 10601 Southport Road in the SW; 286-6888. As far as I know it's the only place in Calgary offering the procedure as yet. There is another in Edmonton but the techs that worked on me basically said that they'd been taught the procedure by them and that the 2 doctors were thick as thieves and colluding on pricing so it wouldn't surprise me if they're pulling the same con. I am working on another doctor here, who I've had work done through, as well as several of my friends, to consider Ultrashape. He currently does lipo and is aware of the bad reputation that the Laser Rejuvenation Clinic has.
Apparently he's had to clean up some botched lipo work by them... In the meantime I am going to have another treatment in June at DLK on Avenue in Toronto, I know it's far but they're the pioneers in Canada and confirmed my suspicions that my procedures were performed incorrectly (but for the one). They've been doing Ultrashape for a few years now and have the most up to date equipment. If you do go for a consult with the twit that does the sucking in of patients, please ask ALL the questions. She will be VERY uncooperative but maybe you can ensure that they give you what you pay for!! That's what this is all about for me. I will devote my time for the rest of my days to keep them from ripping anyone else off."
I am glad that this customer will try Ultrashape at DLK in Toronto, maybe she will have better luck, I hope?
Dr. Cueva in Tijuana Mexico offers Ultrashape
You can go to http://www.ultrashape.com/ for a list of doctors in Mexico, Canada, the UK, South Africa, France, etc. And if you are interested in an Ultrashape treatment in Tijuana Mexico, you can go to -
Dr. Cueva's clinic called Laserium, which has a spa and clinic there in TJ. They are in front of BK and a couple doors down from McD's. You can get a facial or massage the same day of your Ultrashape. I got escape del dia "escape the day" which had 3 treatments (facial, hand treatment and massage) and I paid $75 US dollars, plus tip, for all 3 relaxing treatments.)
Ana was my nurse for my last treatment and she is Great. She listens, offers diet tips right after, is friendly, and very helpful.
The Phone to Dr. Cueva is available in my research, along with 14 other pages of helpful information (and pics) for you, as a consumer.
As of March 2008, I would reccommend not going to Tijuana alone, bring a friend. Be smart.
As of APRIL 30th, I would be very careful going to Tijuana. Are you aware of the current situation of that city? Americans have stopped traveling there for fun as they are scared. It is sad to see the decline in tourism for that city and country. Until now, I have always enjoyed going down there with my other spanish teacher friends. We'd shop, enjoy the fool, walk around, have fun and return home.
DISCLAIMER - This is my personal experience. I strongly encourage you to research this independently. Results may vary. This worked for me, I hope it works for you.
Lipozap customers may be able to fight soon for some type of justice? Heres a website if ya got suckered out of your $ from lipozap, or have pain.
and I quote "Here are the claimed problems with LipoZap that we are investigating:
We have not been able to find scientific evidence that injecting “fat melting” solutions is safe, nor that shows that these injections work."
This a class action lawsuit it looks like (I am not a lawyer, just a blogger)
So bottom line, one may want to research first before getting lipozap or injection fat loss treatments!! Even if lipozap does spend much money on radio advertisements.
So . . . it may not be healthy nor SAFE, nor good for you to inject this stuff into your body! Soo beware just because lipozap is on the radio, does not mean that it is safe!
Fig the company files for bankruptcy who offered lipodissolve injections and FDA statement re:NOT approved fat injections KVBC TV
Here is what their website says, as of December 29 2007 -
ALSO please note that FIG branch is OPEN in Costa Mesa California as of February 10, 2008, do not know how that 1 office is staying open, if the other centers have closed? It may close soon too? Who knows? But read below and you may also want to beware -
We are sorry to report that, due to economic conditions beyond our control, fig. ceased operations on December 7, 2007. The company closed the doors of 17 of its 18 centers around the country. The only center that will remain open is the Costa Mesa, CA facility, which is an independently owned and operated center.
The company is currently consulting with counsel and will likely seek legal relief under the bankruptcy code to ensure it preserves all options including the ability to reorganize and continue operations.
Current patients undergoing treatment will be contacted by the company regarding continued treatment options or making a refund claim. Please check this web site for the latest information.
I wonder why they are no longer in business? Can current customers get a refund? Were customers happy with their results?

FDA's statement to Healthline 3 Las Vegas TV station regarding lipo-dissolve
Sep 20, 2007 02:20 PM
We are aware of the practice of using Lipo-Dissolve and are investigating and evaluating it. It is NOT FDA approved.
In fact, there are no FDA-approved drugs with an approved indication to dissolve fat and FDA cannot assure the safety and efficacy of these types of drugs.
Consumers need to know that this is a buyer-beware situation. These are unapproved drugs for unapproved uses and we can't guarantee consumers' safety. "
Karen Riley
FDA Office of Public Affairs
(301) 827- 6244
Go to http://www.kvbc.com/Global/story.asp?s=7106505 to view this KVBC TV Las Vegas story.
What is Ultrashape? It's great. Scrolll down to order UShape info. about a patient's experience. The research will be emailed to you for only $3.99.
Well I first read about Ultrashape in Allure magazine over 2 years ago, and could not wait for the USA FDA approval! I think this may and will replace liposuction for 1000s of people who do NOT want surgery, but do want to lose a few inches. It really was painless.
IF you'd like information about a US treatment in the future in the USA, then just email the North America office for UltraShape, or click on the ultrashape.com website.
And I went to Dr Cueva in Tijuana, which is only 5 mins from the USA border. They have a 619 number that you can call from the USA, no extra fees, all their info is in my paper I can email you for free if youd like. All of the office staff are welcoming and friendly inc. Ana my nurse, she is so sweet. If you do not speak Spanish, then ask for someone who speaks English when you call. And in the office, both Adriana and Marta are great. My friends love them too.
Currently in Mexico there are Ultrashape doctor offices in Tijuana, Cancun, near Texas, Monterrey, Tiajuana, Cancun, etc.
Please email me at teresaohio@aol.com I am teacher and am busy right now but I will email it to you within a day or so. In it I have suggestions, where to go, what to ask, what to expect, a list of 16 Frequently Asked Questions and answers, it is 14 pages. I created it after I got so many of the same questions from around the globe. So instead of writing each one back from New York, London, Madrid, Toronto, Vancouver, Mexico City, Cancun, etc. I decided just to put all the info in a easy to read paper.
In my research I have a picture of what I started with, at 5'11" size 14 + stomach with flat tire.
And NOW I have a size 12 stomach, after 3 treatments, 30 days apart. It has been an amazing experience. It has been so inspiring, that 3 of my friends and I are all went down together to get an Ultrashape treatment in TJ in mid April. And they all love their results esp. since now they will NOT get liposuction! They have all lost at least 2 inches and are all thrilled. They are grateful and very happy with their results.
I went for treatment in Mexico, and went for the day from the USA border as I live in so california. Your price will be determined in person, when you go for your consult, the price depends on the SIZE of your area treated. Canada does the same, they will not give you a price over the phone as it depends on the size treated. I'd imagine $1000 per treatment. And a total of 3 sessions is reccommended, not just one treatment.
My diet
This is what I have eaten in the past 30 + days . .
1 lots of vegetables, and I do eat every 2 hours
2 chicken (lots more are listed in my research)
If you may have specific questions about my treatment, you can email me at teresaohio@aol.com , and I will respond to your question within a few days.
My results with Ultrashape . .
Well because of Ultrashape, I can NOW get into my FAVORITE floral dress in the pic below. Due to chemotherapy and 7 surgeries from cancer in 2005/20006, I could not put this dress around my waist as I had gained a tummy from medical menopause. I was so depressed, tried the gym, tried walking hours every week, triedocbootcamp 4x, everything! And nothing would get rid of my stubborn menop. stomach fat! Nothing! So that is why I think Ultrashape will work for anyone, as it did work for this former post-menopausal, big, stubborn tummy of mine.
But now, I was lucky after researching all about Ultrashape and found my new majic wand called Ultrashape, which came to my rescue . .

and now I DO have a waist, and now in March 2007 I have lost over 4.75" inches around my waist, thanks to Ultrashape, Dr. Cueva and Ana Maria. (And to Glamour magazine who wrote about it 2 years ago, where I first learned all about this non surgical, no liposuction solution.)
And I did wear a bikini this summer, which was only a dream for me in January, as my gut was big and scary. Not anymore!! Good luck to you. In fact, I wore a bikin last month on vacation with confidence, too exciting.
This may replace liposuction for many people.
Why get cut on, when you do not have to? And why have bruises and 6 weeks DOWN time when you do NOT HAVE to? It does not make sense to have surgery if you only want to lose 2 - 4 inches from your waist.
Here are suggestions from a London doctor's office, from Dr. Inglefield, who has had many Ultrashape customers and has successfully offered Ultrashape for more than a year, so they can also be quite helpful to you too just click on the link in my research
that states -
Diet - We ask that you for 5-7 days post treatment.
Important to reduce fat intake following treatment
Drugs -
Smoking -
POST-TREATMENT Pain killers - Avoid aspirin
RESULTS Expect gradual reduction in fat over weeks post treatment. (It took me 4 weeks to see a result.)
The Londonmail and Daily Mail both have a few posts about Ultrashape, which are one of the many links listed in my research.
Here is a blog in Italy from many different people talking about Ultrashape in Italy, where to get a treatment, Dr numbers in Italy who do it, who got it and liked it, etc. the translation is not perfect mind you.
Here is the original blog, written en italiano -
and here it is translated from italian to english -
My research specific topics about my UltraShape treatments . . .
MAY 6, 2007 newly added topic -
- A list of > 14 great questions that you can ask your doctor or nurse before you get your first Ultrashape treatment
Also -
- What I learned this past year after many many phone calls, emails, website visits, talking with a liposuction doctor, and research
- 15 Frequently Asked Questions, and ANSWERS (FAQs)
- my diet journal
- where I went, and how I got there to get a treatment
- many helpful Ultrashape web LINKS, in an organized table format > 20 great web links! SAVE TIME searching all over, as in hours.
- my exact measurements before and after each session
- 3 pages, more than 8 before and after Ultrashape PICTURES of various views such as side, front, 90 degrees, etc. of before and after UShape treatments 1,2,3.
- a picture of me getting an Ultrashape treatment
- a list of contact info for 9 docs currently offering UltraShape
- how it works
- clinical papers
- your treatment questions answered
Also, the Word file I will email you separately of HELPFUL Ultrashape weblinks are now a total of more than 22 different links, and here are all their descriptions . . .
- Click this link to view a Video: Here you can see how UltraShape works and breaks up fat without surgery, and leaves the veins and nerves alone. There are also several different (8) entries about Ultrashape.
- Click Here is an article written by a client who got UltraShape in the UK and wrote about it. You can SEE her pictures before and after her treatment.
- This site discusses why UltraShape is meant to be better than liposuction. UltraS uses pain-free ultrasound to break-up fat w/out surgery. Recovery from UltraS is immediate, and here you see comments from real UShape clients.
- The Consulting _ is the UK's largest aesthetic website providing clear and unbiased information on a wide range of specialist cosmetic treatments.
- This site offers thoughts and opinions on personal makeovers.
- This site is hosted by the magazine New . It offers information on beauty products and procedures.
- A Message Board on the London website about UltraShape
- This site is discusses the scientific research of UShape.
- Learn from a doctor in London, who has successfully treated many patients for more than 1 year.
- Tribune news article
- Take blog 118 comments on Ultrashape, all by UShape customers!
- Two similar products compete, UltraShape & LipoSonix
- Lipozap review, Ultrashape description on make me message board
- Canadian company possibly for doctors, has Ultrashape information and images
- Kage, a UShapecustomer, tells about her experience getting an Ultrashape treatment, published April 2007 “The process took a little over an hour. True enough, it was painless and trauma-free.”
- Forum discussion board
- Gadget survey
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
- etc.
Well then, if you would like to click on these many different links and are interested . . you can ask for via email my research paper. I thoroughly researched for more than a year, so you will NOT have to research anything, and I can help you save time! The first 150 emails of questions from 22 countries were great!
But now, when I do email and respond for an average of > 12 hours/week to people from all over the world, then I am asking for a nominal fee of just $0.00 for my findings, many pictures, etc. so that I can continue my blog, my findings, helpful suggestions, pass on to you when it will be approved in the USA, and answering all types of questions via email and help whomever would like more information, diet suggestions, advantages of Ultrashape vs liposuction, etc.
I am just a teacher and would appreciate your help to continue my research into new techie gadgets that do work. Thank you for your consideration. Thanks and good luck to YOU!! May you lose those last stubborn inches one day very soon, that will not leave no matter what you have tried until now!
How to order the before and after pictures, & 14 page research paper
Just click the Add to cart button below to order a copy of both the research paper on Ultrashape, the 15 FAQs, my email address, many views of before and after pictures, etc. to help you make a more informed decision as to whether you want to get Ultrashape, or liposuction, or nothing, and find out whichever option is best for you. The file formats are PDFs. Already, people have been thankful and happy with their purchase as they could not find this information anywhere online about Ultrashape, and it was frustrating for them, not getting any answers until they bought my research.
To order paypal click the Add to cart button below it only costs $3.99 save time now!
So just click Add to cart button and pay with paypal and choose quanity of 1 to purchase my pictures, tips, directions, > 23 helpful weblinks, etc. my experience, etc. good luck to you!
If you may have hotmail, please do a test email to me @ teresaohio@aol.com so that I can send you the files after you have paid, thanks!
Here are customer reviews of the research . . .
June 15, 2007
Yes, I've just finished my second Ultrashape session . So far I've lost 4 inches . . . Thanks for the info that you provided. Your research helped me a great deal! - Allan D
May 1, 2007
" Hi! I can't thank you enough for blogging about your experience in TJ with UltraShape! I went down there this last weekend and had it done! I actually fell asleep during the treatment a couple of times! It felt more like a hot rock massage than anything! Ana Maria spoke very fondly of you and the girls all said to say 'hi'! The directions and price quote of the taxi you gave were right on (good thing because the address did not help the taxi driver at all!) The clinic even gave us a ride back to the border! Thanks again so much! I'll keep you posted on my progress."
Take care, Erica USA
"It was helpful and worth it! Thanks! You saved me hours! Thanks!! I am Canada bound!" Tammy from Solon. Ohio.
"The information obtained from Teresa helped me research and understand that this procedure is pefectly safe and effective. It proved to me that there is a "real person" out there that had Ultrashape done and got amazing results from it.
Thank you so much Teresa for sharing your story!"
Hoagland Indiana
"Wow, very helpful. Ultrashape needs a customer service rep yesterday, one that answers my questions. You answered all my 10 questions, you are great!" Sherry Anaheim, California
"You look GREAT! I can't believe the difference in the pictures. Thanks so much for including them. It really helped solidify my decision. Thanks again!"
Erica San Diego California
"Muchas gracias. Me gustan las fotos!" Carolina J. (Thank you. I really like the before and after photos.) Madrid, Spain Soto de la Moraleja
And now below, I am confident in a bikini, in Club Med April 2007, thanks to Ultrashape! After medical menopause, and chemotherapy, I did NOT think I would ever be able to wear a bikini again after > 8 cancer related painful surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, cancer sad mood swings, depression, mastectomy, stomach weight gain, inactivity, > 2 reconst surgeries, etc., Ultrashape sure helped me. My life is slowing getting back to normal.

And you can see before and after pictures, different views, in my paper.
Click on the link above and enter your email address now to see posts from others that are very interested in learning about Ultrashape and other non surgical liposuction options that do work, so feel free to join the 1x/monthly updated Google group for free.
June 16, 2007
Here is a full scientic detailed report, inc. client reviews, before treatment info, effects, from the Consulting room website, click on -
Here is a short post, with a pic and a video from Fitsugar Healthy Happy you website-
Good luck to you. If your BMI is over 30, then you may want liposuction instead?
ultrashape ultrashape allure magazine
liposuction lipozap lipozap pictures lipozap before and after lipozap fig.com fig pictures
lipozap lipozap ultrashape ultrashape.org ultrashape.com
Ultrashape is discussed in the November issue of ALLURE magazine

Ultrashape, liposonix, lipodissolve, fig, lipostabil, lipozap, medsculpt are all in the article entitled FAT CHANCE and are all discussed, and several patients are quoted in this article. And blogs are also mentioned and quoted from paying customers patients. Some of their stories and experiences are alarming. You can also go to http://www.ultrashape.com/in_the_news.aspx?newsId=10667 to view the latest in ways people are trying very hard to lose inches.
UltraShape article is discussed in ALLURE Novemeber 2007 article, JLo on cover

And here is a follow up post from the writer of the Allure magazine article -
"Fat-Melting Mayhem"
"Piece of cake..." "I could not be happier..." "Did not hurt whatsoever..." Who is saying this about the fat-melting shots called lipodissolve? You may be surprised. .
By Joan Kron
"Women who read "Fat Chance" [Allure, November], about fat-melting injections, may be surprised to learn that employees working for some clinics that offer the controversial fat-melting shots lipodissolve have been submitting positive reviews about the experience on the Internet. RealSelf.com, a skin-care and cosmetic surgery website, received these submissions, and alerted Allure.
Lipodissolve uses chemicals that are not FDA-approved for injection under the skin. The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts tried to greatly restrict its use this summer, after receiving numerous complaints. (Its use is already prohibited in Brazil and Canada—and doctors using the lipodissolve procedure in the United Kingdom can no longer seek malpractice coverage from the Medical Protection Society.) In an October 9, 2007 news release issued by the St. Louis Better Business Bureau, where 90 complaints about lipodissolve have been received this year, the BBB stated that complainants "allege the procedure is ineffective and caused swelling and pain," and that Fig (formerly known as Advanced Lipo Dissolve), a major chain of lipodissolve clinics, made it difficult for them to "obtain refunds."
Essentially, lipodissolve clinics are practicing "human experimentation, due to the lack of significant data to support the claims to the consumer," says Rod Rohrich, chief of plastic surgery at the University of Texas, Southwest Medical Center.
Meanwhile, the editors of RealSelf.com received approximately 109 comments on the treatment—61 percent of which are negative; 39 percent positive. RealSelf.com suspected that several of the positive submissions might have been written by the people at companies that offer lipodissolve. A trace of computer IP addresses then revealed that the majority of these statements stemmed from employees of Fig, and a few came from employees of another lipodissolve clinic, MedSculpt. Both are clinics with multiple locations in the United States.
When asked to respond to these accusations, Fig's chief marketing officer, Rob Marandino, sent Allure a statement dated October 23, 2007, saying, "Several months ago, it became clear that current and prospective lipodissolve patients were actively utilizing the online space to post queries about the procedure, treatment expectations, and their own personal experiences. Many Fig employees and satisfied Fig patients responded to queries to provide accurate information about the procedure, address concerns, and share their own experiences.
"We quickly realized, through numerous conversations with the editorial staff of RealSelf.com that although some Fig employees were appropriately representing themselves and their professional affiliation, others were not. This clearly violates our company's online communications policy, which ensures transparency and accuracy, and all employees were reminded of our stringent guidelines. To our knowledge, this situation was resolved, and Fig employees are properly representing ourselves in online posts...We will continue to work with RealSelf.com to ensure that we are meeting its terms of use."
MedSculpt Chief Executive Officer Gary F. Jonas emailed Allure on October 24, 2007, saying, "It was not the intention of any of our employees to mislead the public in any way, and as of today, we will send out a policy statement indicating that any blog posting by them should indicate that they are currently a [MedSculpt] employee—even if their treatments may have occurred prior to employment...I can assure you that any subsequent submission to blogs will state that they are employees."
The bottom line: No matter what these companies' policies state, potential lipodissolve patients have no way of verifying the authenticity of any user-generated post about the procedure they read online—so they should be skeptical. In fact, visitors' reactions on RealSelf.com demonstrate that people are often "suspicious of glowingly positive reviews," says Eric Kennedy, head of product for the site.
To learn more about lipodissolve, read "Fat Chance" in the November issue of Allure, and the ASAPS's warning about fat-melting injections "
To view it in its entirety, click on -
Ultrashape is discussed in the Wall Street Journal, here is their story by Rhonda Rundle
Beauty Attracts SomeVenture-Capital Beholders
By RHONDA L. RUNDLE October 13, 2007; Page B1
Consider it another beauty myth shattered.
"Venture capitalists have tended to shy away from investing in the vanity niche -- wrinkle-erasing or flab-zapping concoctions and devices -- a field better known for hype than scientific innovation. But with people spending more of their disposable income on beautifying themselves, investors are starting to express more interest in products like these.
Very Personal Investing: Some investors are lured by long-lasting antiwrinkle facial injections to rival the market leader Restylane (top) or biodegradable, removable tattoo ink (above) and fat-zapping technology such as UltraShape.
The success of the antiwrinkle drug Botox, which hit $1 billion in sales last year, has fueled much of this interest. At the same time, cosmetic lasers and other skin-treatment devices are gaining popularity in doctors' offices, shopping malls and holiday resorts. As a result, the so-called cosmetic-medicine market, though still small, is starting to attract traditional technology and life-sciences investors.
An array of venture-capital firms ranging from giant Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers to influential firms such as Polaris Venture Partners poured a total of about $130 million into cosmetic medicine last year, up from about $41 million in 2005, according to the National Venture Capital Association, though that figure is rough because the business is relatively new and still fragmented.
Body contouring, skin tightening and facial rejuvenation are among the most promising fields. Other ideas include laser hair-removal devices for home use and tattoo inks that can be removed with a single treatment. Wrinkle-erasing facial fillers such as Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp.'s Restylane and Allergan Inc.'s Juvéderm are already a hot market but one that is crowded with many new competitors.
One reason that investors are intrigued by cosmetic medicine is that products and devices must pass a regulatory process at the Food and Drug Administration. This hurdle makes it tougher for rivals to sell knockoffs. (It's also costly, one reason companies need venture-capital funding.)
The FDA process for products like these is typically more rigorous and time-consuming than for skin creams, makeup and other cosmetics sold by retailers in drug and department stores.
Another lure for investors Consumers are willing to shell out big bucks for treatments. Wrinkle-erasing shots and skin regimens must be regularly repeated to maintain the effect -- generating recurring payments for doctors and product sellers.
The aesthetics business is at the forefront of a sweeping health-care trend that investors are striving to figure out. "We fundamentally believe that health care is going to be increasingly shaped by the consumer patient, and there's no better way to learn about that than in the aesthetics industry," says Jim Glasheen of Technology Partners, a venture-capital firm in Palo Alto, Calif., that was one of the early players in the field.
Trolling for investment ideas, he schmoozes with skin doctors and plastic surgeons at meetings such as the Cosmetic Bootcamp -- a gathering of about 200 doctors and manufacturers of everything from laser skin-treatment devices to basic doctor-office furniture -- that was held in June in Aspen, Colo. One of the biggest events this year: a brainstorming session between doctors and venture-capital investors. . . .
Bulge Battle
That's what's driving interest in companies like LipoSonix Inc. in Seattle and UltraShape Ltd. of Yokneam, Israel, both of which are developing a kind of ultrasound technology for smoothing buttocks and other bulges.
Polaris, based in Waltham, Mass., invested about $16 million in UltraShape in March 2006 after one of its partners spotted the technology in Israel. The UltraShape instrument uses "focused" ultrasound energy to destroy fat below the skin.
"What intrigued us is that the procedure, unlike traditional liposuction, doesn't require anesthesia," says Brian Chee, a Polaris partner and UltraShape director. The company is selling machines in Europe and is talking to the FDA about U.S. marketing approval, he says.
Kythera Biopharmaceuticals Inc. is testing a compound that is injected under the skin to dissolve fatty deposits, particularly under the chin. A few years ago, the four founders pooled about $650,000 of their own money and obtained funds from Versant Ventures to acquire rights to the compound from the University of California at Los Angeles. Patients are enrolling now for human tests in Australia and the United Kingdom.
"We've had no trouble raising money," says Keith Leonard, a former Amgen Inc. executive and now chief executive of Kythera, based in Woodland Hills, Calif.
Skin in the Game
The Kleiner Perkins firm, an early venture-capital backer of Genentech Inc. and Amazon.com Inc., jumped into the business about 18 months ago with an investment in Aesthera Corp., a Pleasanton, Calif., seller of a light-based treatment for acne and other skin conditions. The company's device uses a vacuum-suctioning technology to bring a patient's oil glands closer to the skin's surface for exposure to light therapy.
Technology Partners, among others, has invested in SpectraGenics, a Pleasanton, Calif., start-up that sells a hair-removal product in Japan under the name i-epi. The hand-held device, which uses laser energy to target unwanted hair without harming surrounding skin, sells for about $1,200.
SpectraGenics is hoping to sell its device to U.S. consumers, too. In December, Palomar Medical Technologies Inc., of Burlington, Mass., became the first company to receive FDA approval for a home-use hair-removal device. Palomar is working with Procter & Gamble Co.'s Gillette unit to commercialize the device."
To view this in its entireity, just click on -
lipozap lipozap lipozap lipozap review ultra ultrashape pictures ultrashape review
Lipodissolve discussion, hear from lipodissolve paying customers
Here are the first few of many blog posts about lipodissolve. (Lipodissolve is not ultrashape. Lipodissolve is not lipozap. Lipodisolve uses injections, ultrashape uses ultrasound waves.)
" post name kcmo1 07/17/06
There was a thread with stlouis1here, but I think we filled the message quota. I'm 1 week in on 2nd treatment, outer thighs. They did more shots, but over a larger section. This one wasnt nearly as red or swollen as the first time. They said I should see something after this treatment, and I'm feeling quite hopeful. I go for 3rd treatment August 4th. I waited 3 weeks the first time, and doing 3 1/2 weeks this time, just to get it on a Friday so I'd have some weekend downtime in comfy clothes! : ) I think 2 weeks is too soon (and others noted that as well).
AliciaNorris 07/17/06
KCMO1 Thanks for your thoughts. I had my 1st treatment to my lower abs last week and go for 2nd treatment next week. Along with that, they will do my inner thighs and upper abs at the same time as that next week. I imagine it might be a bit much all in one day, so we'll see what happens. I will be happy once I have had a couple more treatments so I can start noticing the magic of this stuff !! LOL. Will keep all updated.
New to the boards - - in a panic attack over buying a treatment package on Friday, July 14th, I started searching online for answers! I'm interested in what kinds of results for inner thigh people are having. That was the only area I really wanted done. I'm assuming this area is the most painful, so any pointers would be helpful...I haven't started the treatments yet in the KC office. I had an activity on the following Saturday that wouldn't work well with having the injections the day before. Thanks!
hottiewannabe 07/20/06
I have my 1st lipo dissolve treatment scheduled for next week. Has anybody done their inner and outer thighs and banana area? If so, please tell me how it's going.
st.louis1here 07/20/06
Hi Kids,Well, I found you all - I didn't know a new thread had been started.My update.I waited 4 weeks between my 3rd and 4th treatment on my abdomen. I now have people noticing that I don't have a "belly" anymore. This is wonderful. The pain has been worth it. I started at 148 lbs. I am down to 134 lbs. I have been doing Adkins diet for about 3 weeks. I had a different NP inject on the 3rd treatment - talk about pain and bruising - WOW!! So, I go in for my 4th treatment this past Monday - back to the nurse who injected the first two times. This one was wonderful. Min. bruising, hardly any pain after the first hour. They have started something new with the lipo injections. They advise you to wear a compression garment to the area's. I had an old girdle type thing from a long time ago. I wore it for 24 hours. Next day - minimal swelling. Made such a difference in how I felt. I do have a few "knots" left and she told me to take a vibrating massager that has a heater on it - and rub it over the area's for about 20 minutes every evening. She said it would break up the knots. I bought the package deal - it was scary when I signed those papers. I am glad that I did it. I wish ya'all could see my results. Good luck everyone.
Okay, this should make everyone laugh a bit. One of the reasons I went on Adkins - and made it known to everyone - was so that when I did appear to lose weight, everyone would atribute it to my diet. I didn't want anyone to know that I spent money on the lipodissolve, especially my hubby. LOLAnyone else feel this way?
Hi,I am treating 2 area's, upper abdomen and lower abdomen. Cost was 4000.00 (ouch!!). 6 treatments to each area.
Okay - what is the "banana" area that I keep hearing about? Thanks
The banana is the back of the upper thighs, right above the rear end. I have a lot of cellulite there and am hoping this would help.
I just got back from my 1st treatmtent. By the time I got to their desk to schedule my next appointment I started swelling. When I got to my car I felt like I was sitting on a bunch of bee stingers. OUCH! But within 30 minutes or so that stinging went away and now I'm just sore and the area is hot. I'm already getting bumpy on the backs of my thighs. (I had my bananas and outter thighs treated).
Great Thread, I'm so glad I found it. I love hearing everyone's experiences.I have had 3 treatments for inner thighs at Advanced Lipo Dissolve in KC. The treatments were each 3 weeks apart. I'm scheduled for my 4th treatment this week but am considering pushing it out another 4 weeks as I still have a lot of large lumps and I know its best to wait till they are gone, yet I am anxious to get my next treatment.The first treatment they injected my inner thighs from the front. The second time they did it from the back b/c I still had lumps then the third they went back to the front. I had the most pain and bruising after the first treatment. I've been trying Arnica and I think it helps if you take it a few days in advance.To anyone considering inner thighs: Bring bike shorts to the treatment to wear home. Not too tight though as you don't want to inhibit the swelling. I wore loose bike shorts for several days after and this helped tremendously. Also, if you sleep on your side try putting a pillow between your legs, this really helped me.I think the inner thigh is a painful area as I was in pain for a few days. The night after and following day were the worse, but I managed through it with Tylenol.I wish I could report I'm seeing fantastic results, but I'm just not sure. I think I can tell a bit. The 4th treatment will be interesting.Thanks to all on this thread. I hope it says alive, I want to hear more about others who have had 4-6 treatments.If this works, I will do other areas (outer thigh, banana, knees and upper arms are what I want.) But I will probably find a cheaper place in KC. Recommendations appreciated.
Cindy G.07/24/06
Anyone have any bad experiences with Lipodissolve? It has been an awful expereince for me. For $1400.00 I have been in pain, sick and gotten a larger abdomen than I have ever had, except for when I was pregnant.My first treatment was not as bad as my second one. I did however get diarrhea that I did not think was going to ever stop, along with terrible abdominal pains. My second one was really bad. I was not told that I would only receive one tube of numbing cream, that had to last all three treatments. I used half of the tube on my first treatment. So I had to divide the remainder of the tube for the second and third treatments. It was not enough. I was in so much pain that I was not able to leave when I was done with the injections. I thought I was going to pass out. That night I got so sick. I woke up with terrible abdominal pains, broke out in a wringing wet sweat, followed by diarrhea. It is hard to think about going back for my last treatment. I had to buy bigger shorts. I look terrible in a swiming suit. I am so discouraged and depressed. I am embarassed to tell anyone that I am doing Lipodissolve. They would think I was nuts for paying $1400.00 to be in pain, have diarrhea, and enlarge my abdomen. I don't know what to do.
Cindy, I'm very sorry to hear about your experience. How long have you been waiting between treatments? I would try waiting up to 8 weeks before you go back to let the swelling subside. And they should certainly give you another tube of numbing cream. What is this by the way? I did not get any and I'd love to buy some if I can.One thing Advanced Lipo Dissolve Center did very well was the consultation. They explained in detail the pain and the swelling and they were very accurate. If I had not gotten such thorough information, I think I would have been rather scared.I've never heard of the other side effects you mention. Good luck, I hope your experience improves.
The reddish brown tint should lighten a lot within 3-4 days and then take 7-10 to go away completely. At least that's about how it is for me. I'm convinced Arnica taken orally and topically helps. I think I'll keep a diary next time.I pushed my 4th treatment out another month. It will be a total of 8 weeks from my 3rd, for inner thighs. The first 3 being 3 weeks apart I think were too close.I'm very anxious, but I want to get the best results possible and from everything I'm reading here and elsewhere I think I can't go wrong by waiting.
Cindy G. 07/27/06
Hi st.louis1here,The numbing cream is called L-M-X (lidocaine 4%)topical anesthetic cream. It really helps because when I was getting an injection she hit a spot higher than where I put the cream and I could definitely tell the difference. I will tell how I chose the place I went to. Well first I went to Advanced in Chesterfield for a consultation. I thought that they told me that they would give me numbing cream also. I then went to Aeterna Medical Spa in St. Peter's. They also have other locations. There are supposed to be two different methods out there. They do the other one. I think the difference is the recipe and the amount they use and the length of time between visits. Their theory is that 4 weeks isn't long enough for the swelling to go down, and that waiting longer between visits gives the medicine more time to work. They also say that you only need 3 visits because of this. So what caused me to go there was less visits=less pain, and it also was $1000 less. I can't even imagine going 6 times, even if pain was my only symptom. Something interesting that I discovered is that the CEO of Aeterna, Ronald Chod and the CEO (I think that is his title) Dr. Richard Muckerman, both OBGYNS are business partners of some medical research company, yet they have both gone in separate directions when it comes to Lipodissolve. Anyway I tried contacting Dr. Chod via e-mail to make him aware of my bad experience. I told him that I really need to speak with him before I go through this again. But I have not heard back from him. I don't know what I am going to do. I am due to go back next, but I am going on vacation the following week. And there is no way I am going on vacation looking or feeling the way I know I will. I can almost bet what is going to happen in the end. They will say "Oh, you must be one of the 3%it doesn't work on". Just like a place I went to for a body wrap told me, when I had one done. Well I put this place out of business between standing in their parking lot and telling people not to do it, driving around with the words "Do not go to Slender Wraps" written on the back windshield of my van, and finally contacting the Attorney General. A friend of ours who is an attorney said if there are enough people out there that don't get results, a class action lawsuit may be filed. But it would be a long time down the road, due to the small amount of people having this done. It would take a while to get enough people, that did not get results, to file a lawsuit.I wish these places would let you actually speak with people who actually had the procedure done. But maybe there is reason why they don't offer that. But their saying about no down time is totally false. I could have told my employer in advance that I would not be at work, but due to their saying of no down time, I had no reason to think that I would not be able to go to work. My work was scrambling to find a replacement for me at the last minute.
CindiG- everyone
HiDid Aeterna offer you any kind of "gurantee" (not spelled right,lol)? Seems like the Lipodissolve Center offered one - but, I don't remember what it was. Maybe you can demand your money back. I originally used their "12 month" payment plan, no interest. I started reading reviews of the service and people were stating that they had major problems with them, like charging interest after 2 months. I went ahead and dug in my savings and paid it off the first month. I hate payments hanging over my head. I will have to ask about that cream, I've never been offered it. I know what you mean about having this done and trying to go to work. I'm a nurse and turning patients the day after having this done was horrible - especially, because I didn't tell anyone that I had this done. Every time my abdomen would rub again the bed, when pulling someone up, was excruciating. That is strange that the doc would not email you back. Remember that the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Just cause a little stink, like the other place you did, and you will probably get results. I did that with an airline recently and they put me up in a hotel after I yelled at the counter about their lousy customer service. I would keep on the place till you get some answers on why you reacted the way you did. Can you find out what they injected you with? I've never met the doc at the Lipodissolve Center. I've always spoke with the NP's. It's kind of funny, but being a nurse, I feel more comfortable with them. In my area of the hospital, the nurses know more what is going on than the docs. LOL. Keep us up to date on how your treatments are going. It's so nice to hear from other's on what they are experiencing. I still laugh at the commercial's stating this is "pain free" and "no down time". LOL. What a joke - guess it is better than liposuction (which I wouldn't do)- not as invasive. No scars. I do wonder what those "lumps" look like. I always wonder if they are little black, necrotic area's that are dissolving. Better that I not know!
lipodissolve review lipodisolve lipodissolve blog lipodissolve
Star01 Your claims have no backing. You probably heard it "somewhere" from "someone' and you are making claims that have no evidence. You say the FDA has no known studies on Lipodissolve, then how can you claim that is causes fever, staff infection etc.. A little contradictory don't you think? The FDA does not need to give approval on procedures only on drugs and products. The FDA has recalled over 14,635 drugs and products in the last few years alone. Just see their website on recalls. I'm not saying that regulation is not necessary, i am just pointing out that FDA approval does not mean there are no risks. When administered by a trained professional, Lipodissolve has a safety record which is excellent. There are dozens of studies conducted on the treatment.
These can be found at: http://lipotherapyinstitute.org
Hasengschwandtner, F Injection Lipolysis for Effective Reduction of Localized Fat in Place of minor surgical Lipoplasty Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2006 125-130.